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属天的奥秘 第7790节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7790

7790. And thereafter I will go out. That this signifies that truth Divine will depart, is evident from the signification of "going out," as being to depart; and from the representation of Moses, as being truth Divine. These things signify that when those who have infested the upright are damned, all truth Divine departs from them; for they are then in the state of their evil, and evil rejects and extinguishes all truth Divine. Heretofore, previous to their damnation, they were indeed acquainted with the truths of faith; but nevertheless they had no truths in them; for truths were then in their mouth, but not in the heart; and therefore when they have been vastated as to these truths, evil remains, and then also the falsity of evil comes forth to view which had lain hidden within them; for although they had professed truths, they were nevertheless not in truths, but in falsities. Moreover, the very profession of truth did not descend from its own beginning, namely, from good; but from evil; for they had made it for the sake of gain, honors, and reputation, thus for the sake of themselves and the world. The truths which descend from such a beginning adhere on the surface, and therefore when they are being vastated the truths fall off like scales, and when they fall off, they leave places that are foul-smelling and putrid from the falsities which exhale from the evils there. Such is the lot of those who have known the truths of faith, and yet have lived contrary to them, according to the Lord's words in Luke:

That servant who knoweth his Lord's will, but maketh not himself ready, nor doeth his will, shall be beaten with many stripes; but he that knoweth not, though he do things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few (Luke 12:47-48).

Elliott(1983-1999) 7790

7790. 'And after that I will go out' means that God's truth will depart. This is clear from the meaning of 'going out' as departing; and from the representation of 'Moses' as God's truth. These words mean that when those who have molested the upright are damned all God's truth departs from them, for then their state is one in which their own evil reigns, and evil rejects and eliminates all God's truth. Previously, before they were damned, they were, it is true, acquainted with the truths of faith; but even so, they did not have truths within themselves. Truths were on their lips but not in their hearts. Consequently, when they underwent vastation of those truths evil remained, and the falsity of evil that had lain concealed within them emerged at the same time also. For although they declared a belief in truths they were not guided by them but by falsities. Their declaration of belief in what is true did not spring from its proper origin - from good - but from evil; for gain, important positions, and reputation, and so self and the world, were the reasons for its existence with them. Truths which spring from that kind of origin cling to the surface, and therefore, when they are laid waste, they fall off like scales; and when they fall off they leave behind places with a terrible, rotten stink because of the falsities that emanate from the evils there. Such is the fate of those who have been acquainted with the truths of faith and yet have led a life contrary to them, as accords with the Lord's words in Luke,

That servant who knows the Lord's will, but neither prepares himself nor does his will, will be beaten with many [blows]. But he who does not know, although he does things worthy of blows, will be beaten with few. Luke 12:47, 48.

Latin(1748-1756) 7790

7790. `Et post ita exibo': quod significet quod verum Divinum discedet, constat ex significatione `exire' quod sit discedere; et ex repraesentatione `Moschis' quod sit verum Divinum. Haec significant quod ab illis qui infestarunt probos, {1}cum damnantur, omne verum Divinum {2} discedat, nam tunc in statu mali sui sunt, et malum rejicit et exstinguit omne verum Divinum; prius, antequam {3}damnati sunt, vera fidei quidem sciverunt, sed usque vera {4}in se non habuerunt; vera enim tunc in ore (c)illorum fuerunt, non autem in corde; quapropter cum {5}quoad illa vastati sunt, remanet malum, et tunc quoque prodit falsum mali, quod reconditum in illis jacuerat; nam tametsi professi sunt vera, in illis tamen non fuerunt, sed {6} in falsis; ipsa etiam {7} professio veri, nec a suo principio, nempe ex bono, descendit, sed ex malo, nam fuit illis propter lucrum, honores, et famam, ita propter se et mundum. Vera quae ex tali principio descendunt haerent in superficie, et inde, cum vastantur, sicut squamae decidunt, et cum decidunt, relinquunt loca graveolentia et putentia ex falsis quae ex malis ibi exhalant; talis sors est illorum qui sciverunt vera fidei et tamen vixerunt contra illa, secundum Domini verba apud Lucam, Ille servus qui scit voluntatem Domini, sed neque parat se, neque facit voluntatem ejus, percutietur multis: qui vero non novit, licet faciat digna plagis, percutietur paucis, xii 47, 48. @1 postquam damnati sunt$ @2 i, hoc est, omne verum fidei,$ @3 missi in infernum$ @4 After habuerunt$ @5 vastati sunt quoad scientia veri et boni fidei, tunc remanet malum, et quoque falsum mali quae intra illos fuerunt$ @6 i fuerunt$ @7 In A the rest of this reads vera, quae professi, nec a suo principio, nempe ex bono, descenderunt, sed ex malo, nam professio veri fuit illis propter lucrum, honores, et famam. Vera quae ex tali principio descendunt, (m)quia sunt vera oris, haerent solum in superficie, ac inde cum vastantur sicut squamae decidunt, et cum decidunt loca illa ubi fuerant, repleta sunt malis, ex quibus falsa continue exspirant, sunt ibi quasi ulcera graveolentia secundum impressiones gradus fidei; talis est sors illorum qui sciverunt vera fidei, et tamen vixerant vitam mali, Luc. xii 47, 48.(n)$

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