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属天的奥秘 第7823节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7823

7823. In the supreme sense by the passover is represented the damnation of the unfaithful and the liberation of the faithful by the Lord, when He had been glorified. The quality of the state of the faithful at that time, and also what its quality would be afterward, both in the universal and in every particular, is described in this supreme sense by the statutes of the passover.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7823

7823. In the highest sense the Passover represents the damnation of unfaithful and the deliverance of faithful believers by the Lord when He was glorified. What their state was like then and what it will be like subsequently, both as a general whole and in every detail, is described in that highest sense by the Passover regulations.

Latin(1748-1756) 7823

7823. In supremo sensu per Pascha repraesentatur damnatio infidelium et liberatio fidelium a Domino, cum glorificatus est; status illorum, qualis fuit tunc et qualis erit postea, tam in universali quam in omni particulari, per statuta Paschatis in supremo illo sensu describitur.

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