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属天的奥秘 第7853节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7853

7853. And things unleavened. That this signifies what is purified from all falsity, is evident from the signification of "unleavened" or "unfermented," as being what is purified from falsity (see n. 2342). The reason why "unleavened" has this signification, is that "leaven" signifies falsity (of which in what follows).

Elliott(1983-1999) 7853

7853. 'And unleavened bread' means what has been purified from all falsity. This is clear from the meaning of what is 'unleavened', or has had no yeast added, as what has been purified from falsity, dealt with in 2342. The reason why 'unleavened bread' has this meaning is that 'yeast' means falsity, dealt with in what follows below.

Latin(1748-1756) 7853

7853. `Et azyma': quod significet purificatum ab omni falso, constat ex significatione `azymi' seu `infermentati' quod sit purificatum a falso, de qua n. 2342; causa quod {1}`azyma' id significent, est quia `fermentum' significat falsum, de quo in sequentibus. @1 azymum id significet$

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