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属天的奥秘 第7852节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7852

7852. Roast with fire. That this signifies the good which is of love, is evident from the signification of "roast with fire," as being the good of love, for "fire" signifies love (see n. 934, 4906, 5215, 6314, 6832, 6834, 6849, 7324), and "roasted" signifies that which is imbued with love, consequently good. In the Word a distinction is made between what is roasted and what is boiled; and by "roasted" is signified good, because it is done by means of fire, and by "boiled" is meant truth because it is done by means of water; and such is the case here, for it is said, "eat ye not of it raw, nor by boiling boiled in water, but roast with fire" (verse 9). The reason is that by the paschal lamb is signified the good of innocence, which good is the good of love to the Lord. [2] From all this it is evident what is meant in the spiritual sense by the "roasted fish" in Luke 24:42, 43; also what by the "fish laid upon the fire," when the Lord also appeared to the disciples, concerning which it is thus written in John:

When the disciples got down on the land, they see a hearth laid, and a little fish lying thereon, and bread. Jesus cometh and taketh the bread, and giveth them, and the little fish likewise (John 21:9, 13);

by the "fish" is signified the truth of the natural (n. 991); and by the "hearth" good; thus by the "little fish lying thereon," the truth of spiritual good in the natural. He who does not believe that there is an internal sense of the Word must needs believe that nothing of a secret nature is involved in the circumstance that when the Lord appeared to the disciples, there was a fish upon a hearth, and that it was given to them by the Lord to eat. [3] As by "roast with fire" is signified the good which is of celestial and spiritual love, therefore in the opposite sense by "roast with fire" is signified the evil which is of the love of self and of the world, as in Isaiah:

He hath burned part thereof in the fire; upon part of it he hath eaten flesh; he hath roasted roast that he might be satisfied; yea, he hath been warmed, and said, Brother, I am warm, I have seen the fire; I have burned part of it in the fire; yea, I have also baked bread upon the coals thereof; I have roasted flesh and am eating it (Isa. 44:16, 19);

describing the worshipers of a graven image. By a "graven image" is signified the falsity of evil, which is so described; "roasting roast" and "roasting flesh" denote to work evil from filthy love. (That "fire" in the opposite sense denotes the evil of the love of self and of the world, or of the cupidities which belong to these loves, see n. 1297, 1861, 2446, 5071, 5215, 6314, 6832, 7324, 7575.)

Elliott(1983-1999) 7852

7852. 'Roasted with fire' means good that is the product of love. This is clear from the meaning of 'what is roasted with fire' as the good of love; for 'fire' means love, 934, 4906, 5215, 6314, 6832, 6834, 6849, 7324, and 'what is roasted' that which has been infused with love, consequently good. In the Word what has been roasted is distinguished from what has been boiled. 'What has been roasted' means good, because it has been cooked by means of fire, while 'what has been boiled' is used to mean truth, because it has been cooked by means of water. A similar distinction is made here, for it says in verse 9, Do not eat any of it raw, nor boiled at all in water, but roasted indeed with fire. The reason for this is that 'the Passover lamb' means the good of innocence, which is the good of love to the Lord.

[2] All this shows what 'the roasted fish', in Luke 24:42, 43, means in the spiritual sense, and also 'the fish placed over the fire of coals' when the Lord appeared to the disciples, described in John as follows,

After the disciples got down onto the land they saw a fire of coals that had been set, and a small fish lying over it, and bread. Jesus came and took the bread and gave it to them, and did the same with the small fish. John 21:9, 13.

'A fish' means truth in the natural, 991, while 'a fire of coals' means good. Thus 'a small fish lying over it' means the truth of spiritual good within the natural. A person who does not believe in the existence of the internal sense within the Word inevitably thinks that the presence of the fish over the coal fire, when the Lord appeared to the disciples, and its being given them by the Lord to eat lack any deeper, hidden meaning.

[3] Since 'roasted with fire' means good that is the product of celestial and spiritual love, evil that is the product of selfish and worldly love is meant in the contrary sense by 'roasted with fire' in Isaiah,

He burnt part of it with fire, over part of it he ate flesh, he roasted a roast, in order that he might be satiated; also he was made warm. And he said, O brother,a I have been made warm, I have seen the fire. I have burned part of it with fire, and also I have baked bread over its coals, I have roasted flesh and am eating it. Isa 44:16, 19.

This refers to worshippers of a carved image. 'A carved image' means falsity of evil, which is portrayed by such an image. 'Roasting a roast' and 'roasting flesh' are working evil under the influence of a filthy love. With regard to 'fire', that it is in the contrary sense the evil of self-love and love of the world, or the desires belonging to those kinds of love, see 1297, 1861, 2446, 5071, 5215, 6314, 6832, 7324, 7575.


a The word in the original language consists of three Hebrew letters, which with the vowel points of the Massoretic Text read as the interjection he'ach (ah!). But the Latin treats the same three letters as the (vocative) noun ha'ach (O brother).

Latin(1748-1756) 7852

7852. `Assam igne': quod significet bonum quod amoris, constat ex significatione `assi igne' quod sit bonum amoris, `ignis' enim significat amorem, n. 934, 4906, 5215, 6314, 6832, 6834, 6849, 7324, et `assatum' id quod est imbutum amore, proinde bonum; in Verbo distinguitur assatum a cocto, et per `assatum' {1}significatur bonum, quia per ignem, et per `coctum' intelligitur verum, quia per aquam; hic similiter, nam dicitur, `Ne comedatis de illa crudum, et coquendo coctum in aquis, verum tamen assum igne,' vers. 9; causa est quia per `agnum paschalem' {2}significatur bonum innocentiae, quod bonum est bonum amoris in Dominum. 2 Ex his patet quid per `assatum piscem' apud Lucam xxiv 42, 43, in sensu spirituali intelligitur; tum quid per `piscem superimpositum foco,' cum visus est Dominus discipulis, de quo ita apud Johannem, Postquam descenderunt discipuli in terram, vident focum positum, et pisciculum superjacentem, et panem; venit Jesus, et accipit panem, et dat illis, et pisciculum similiter, xxi 9, 13;

per `piscem' significatur verum naturalis, n. 991, per `focum' autem bonum, ita per `pisciculum superjacentem' verum boni spiritualis in naturali; qui non sensum internum Verbi dari credit, is non {3}potest aliter credere quam quod nihil arcani involvat, quod, cum apparuit Dominus discipulis, esset piscis super foco, et quod ille a Domino daretur illis ad edendum. 3 Quia per `assum igne' significatur bonum quod amoris caelestis et spiritualis, ideo in opposito sensu per `assum igne' significatur malum quod est amoris {4}sui et mundi, apud Esaiam, Partem ejus combussit igne, super partem ejus carnem comedit, assavit assatum, ut saturaretur, etiam calefactus est; et dixit, {5}Frater, calefactus sum, vidi ignem: partem ejus combussi igne, etiamque coxi super prunis ejus panem, assavi carnem et comedens, xliv 16, 19;

ibi de adoratoribus sculptilis; per `sculptile' significatur falsum mali, quod ita describitur; `assare assatum et assare carnem' {6}est operari malum ex amore spurco; quod `ignis' in opposito sensu sit malum amoris sui et mundi, seu cupiditatum quae illorum amorum sunt, videatur n. 1297, 1861, 2446, 5071, 5215, 6314, 6832, 7324, (x)7575. @1 intelligitur$ @2 intelligitur$ @3 aliter credit$ @4 spurci$ @5 In MT Heb is pointed as an interjection (he`ah). S has rendered as (ha`ah)$ @6 pro$

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