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属天的奥秘 第7939节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7939

7939. In that He passed over the houses of the sons of Israel. That this signifies that damnation fled away from the goods in which they were held by the Lord, is evident from the signification of "Jehovah shall pass over," as being that damnation shall flee thence (see n. 7878, 7928); from the signification of "houses," as being goods (n. 3652, 3720, 4982, 7833-7835); and from the representation of Israel, as being those who are of the spiritual church (of which frequently above). It is said that they were held in goods by the Lord, because when they passed through the places of damnation or the hells, which was done when they were liberated, they were then held in good by the Lord. To this end they were prepared, the process of which preparation is described by the statutes concerning the blood, and the paschal lamb, and the eating thereof (in verses 3-11, 15-20, 22, 43-48 of this chapter). That when they were liberated they passed through places of damnation, or the hells, will be seen in what follows.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7939

7939. 'because He passed by the houses of Israel' means that damnation would stay away from the forms of good in which they were maintained by the Lord. This is clear from the meaning of 'Jehovah will pass by' as the fact that damnation will stay away from there, as above in 7878, 7928; from the meaning of 'the houses' as forms of good, dealt with in 3652, 3720, 4982, 7833-7835; and from the representation of 'Israel' as those who belong to the spiritual Church, dealt with often. The reason for saying that they were maintained in forms of good by the Lord is that when they passed through places of damnation or the hells, which happened when they were delivered, they were maintained in good by the Lord. To this end they were made ready, and the process by which they were made ready is described by the statutes regarding the blood, the Passover lamb, and the eating of it, which are the subject in verses 3-11, 15-20, 22, 43-48 of this chapter. The fact that when they were delivered they passed through places of damnation or the hells will be seen below.

Latin(1748-1756) 7939

7939. `Quod praeteriverit praeter domos Israelis': quod significet quod damnatio aufugeret a bonis in quibus detenti sunt a Domino, constat (c)a significatione `(x)praeteribit Jehovah' quod sit quod fugiet inde damnatio, ut supra n. 7878, 7928; ex significatione `domuum {1}' quod sint bona, de qua n. 3652, 3720, 4982, 7833-7835; et ex repraesentatione `Israelis' quod sint qui ab Ecclesia spirituali, de qua saepius. Quod dicatur quod in bonis detenti sint a Domino, est quia cum transibant per loca damnationis seu inferna, quod factum cum liberati, tunc detenti fuerunt in bono a Domino; ob hunc finem (x)praeparati sunt, praeparationis illius processus describitur per statuta de sanguine, deque agno paschali, {2}et ejus esu, de quibus in vers. hujus capitis, 3-11, 15-20, 22, 43-48; quod cum liberati, loca damnationis seu inferna transirent, videbitur in sequentibus. @1 i Israelis$ @2 ejusque esu, et pluribus, de quibus hactenus, videatur n. 7878$

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