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属天的奥秘 第7964节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7964

7964. And Egypt was strong upon the people, hastening to send them out of the land. That this signifies that from aversion and fear they were urgent that they should depart, is evident from the signification of "to be strong upon the people, hastening to send them away," as being to be urgent that they should depart. That this was from aversion and fear, is evident; for they who are in mere falsity from evil are so averse to those who are in truth from good that they cannot endure even their presence. From this it is that they who are in evil cast themselves deep down into hell according to the nature and degree of their evil, in order that they may be far from good; and this not only from aversion, but also from fear, because in the presence of good they are tormented

Elliott(1983-1999) 7964

7964. 'And Egypt pressed the people, in a hurry to send them away from the land' means that because of their loathing and fear of them they were urging them to depart. This is clear from the meaning of 'pressing the people, in a hurry to send them away' as urging them to depart. The fact that loathing and fear caused them to do so is self-evident, for those steeped in nothing but falsity arising from evil so loathe those guided by truth from good that they cannot stand even their presence. This is why those governed by evil cast themselves down into hell, to a depth determined by the nature and amount of that evil, to get far away from good. Not only loathing but also fear makes them do it, for in the presence of good they suffer torment.

Latin(1748-1756) 7964

7964. `Et invaluit Aegyptus super populum, festinando dimittere illos e terra': quod significet quod ex aversatione et timore urgerent ut discederent, constat ex significatione `invalescere super populum festinando dimittere illos' quod sit urgere ut discederent; quod ex aversatione et timore, patet, nam qui in mero falso ex malo sunt illos qui in vero {1}ex bono aversantur adeo ut ne quidem praesentiam illorum sustinere possint; inde est quod qui in malo sunt se dejiciant in infernum profunde secundum mali quale et quantum ut procul sint a bono, et hoc non solum ex aversatione sed etiam ex timore, nam in praesentia boni cruciantur. @1 et$

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