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属天的奥秘 第8020节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8020

8020. From the statutes and laws concerning the eating of the paschal lamb, which are treated of in this chapter, it is clearly evident that there are heavenly secrets contained and hidden in every detail, and that without knowledge from the internal sense nothing is known but a mere ritual in an external form, and nothing heavenly, still less Divine. As for instance, why the paschal animal was to be a lamb or a kid; why the animal was to be a male, and a son of a year; why it was to be killed on the fourteenth day of the month; why its blood was to be sprinkled upon the posts and the lintel; why it was to be eaten roasted with fire, with unleavened bread upon bitter herbs, and not raw or boiled in water; why it was to be roasted with its head upon its legs and upon its midst; why they were not to leave anything of it until the morning, and why that which was left was to be burned with fire; why they were to eat unleavened bread seven days, and why whosoever ate leavened bread was to be cut off; why an alien, a lodger, and a hireling were not to eat of it, but a man's servant that is bought with silver, and a sojourner, if they were circumcised; why it was to be eaten in one house, and none of the flesh taken out of doors; why a bone was not to be broken in it. What these and very many other particulars involve, and why they were commanded, would be utterly unknown, unless the laws of order in the spiritual world to which they correspond, were known, and unless it were known from the internal sense what each detail signifies in that world, that is, in heaven; and especially unless it were believed that in all things there is something spiritual. If there were not something spiritual in the whole and in each detail, the angels who are with man when he reads the Word would comprehend but little, indeed scarcely anything, from the Word; for the angels comprehend spiritually all things that have been described in the Word in a natural manner.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8020

8020. It is plainly evident from the statutes and laws regarding the eating of the Passover lamb which appear in this chapter that in every detail they contain and conceal heavenly arcana, and that without knowledge gained from the internal sense one can see no more in them than the outward form of a religious custom, and nothing heavenly, let alone Divine. Without that knowledge one does not know the reason for any of the following: Why the Passover animal was to be a lamb or a kid; why the animal was to be a male, and 'the son of a year'; why it was to be slaughtered on the fourteenth day of the month; why the blood from it was to be sprinkled on the doorposts and lintel; why it was to be eaten roasted with fire, together with unleavened bread on bitter herbs, and not any of it raw or boiled in water; why its head was to be roasted over its legs and over its middle; why none of it was to be left till morning, and why what remained was to be burned with fire; why they were to eat unleavened bread for seven days, and why anyone eating anything made with yeast was to be cut off; why the foreigner, the stranger, and the hired servant could not eat it, but a man's slave, a purchase paid for with silver, and a sojourner, could eat it if they were circumcised; why it was to be eaten in one house and none of the flesh was to be brought outside; and why no bone of it was to be broken. What these and very many other regulations hold within them, and why they were commanded, would remain completely unknown unless the laws of order in the spiritual world to which they correspond were known, unless knowledge were acquired from the internal sense of what each regulation means in that world, that is, in heaven, and in particular unless the belief existed that all of them contain a spiritual level of meaning. Unless every single one contained this spiritual level of meaning the angels present with a person would understand little or scarcely anything of the Word when read by the person; for all the things which have been described in the Word in a natural way are understood by the angels on a spiritual level of meaning.

Latin(1748-1756) 8020

8020. x). Ex statutis et legibus de esu agni paschalis, de quibus in hoc capite, {1}manifeste patet quod arcana (x)caelestia sint quae continentur (c)et reconduntur in singulis, et quod absque cognitione ex sensu interno nihil sciatur quam mere rituale in forma externa, ac nihil caeleste, {2}minus Divinum; sicut, cur pecus paschalis (t)esset agnus vel haedus: cur pecus mascula esset et filius anni: cur mactaretur quartodecimo die mensis: cur sanguis inde spargeretur super postes et superliminare {3}: cur comederetur assa igne cum azymis super amaroribus, et non de illa crudum aut coctum in aquis: cur assaretur caput super cruribus et super medio ejus: cur nihil de illa relinqueretur ad mane, et cur relictum combureretur igne: cur azyma comederent septem diebus, et cur exscinderetur comedens fermentatum: cur alienigena, inquilinus, et mercenarius non comederent illud, sed servus viri emptio argenti, ac peregrinus, si circumciderentur: cur in una domo comederetur nec educeretur de carne foras: cur os non frangeretur in illa; quid haec et perplura {4}alia involvunt, et cur mandata sunt, prorsus ignoraretur nisi sciantur leges ordinis in spirituali mundo quibus correspondent, et nisi ex sensu interno sciatur quid singula in illo mundo, hoc est, in caelo, significant, et imprimis nisi credatur quod in omnibus insit spirituale; {5} nisi inesset omnibus et singulis spirituale, {6}angeli qui apud hominem, cum ab homine legitur, parum et vix aliquid ex Verbo, comprehenderent, nam angeli omnia quae in Verbo (x)naturali modo descripta sunt comprehendunt spiritualiter. @1 constare potest$ @2 et$ @3 i et ille salvaret illos$ @4 reliqua$ @5 i et$ @6 quod Angeli, qui apud hominem A Angeli cum ab homine legitur, qui apud hominem I$

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