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属天的奥秘 第8021节



  8021.这些木星灵当中有一个在他们到来时,在人里面产生恐惧感;他贴近我左前臂下面一侧,从那里说话。但他说话声很刺耳,并且他的话非常模糊,中间没有任何分隔,以致我不得不等很长时间才能把它们的意思集中起来。他在说话的时候,还插入一些恐惧。他说,他刚才所做的事是他们在他的星球上所做的;在他们的天使来到一个人这里之前,像他这样的灵人会提前被派来以这种方式预备这个人。当时他也警告我,当他们到来时,我要好好接待他们。但我被引导回答说,这并不取决于我; 我和他们自己一样欢迎所有人。

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Potts(1905-1910) 8021

8021. ON THE SPIRITS AND INHABITANTS OF THE PLANET JUPITER, CONTINUED. One of those spirits of Jupiter who strike terror by their coming, as already described, applied himself to my left side beneath the elbow, and spoke from there; but his speech was harsh, nor were the words quite discrete and separate from one another, insomuch that I was obliged to wait long before I could gather the sense; and while he was speaking he also interjected something of terror. He said that so it is done on their earth, and that they are sent in advance to a man, before their angels come to him, and in this manner they prepare him. He admonished me also to receive them well when they came. But it was given me to answer that this is not my affair; but that with me all are received just as they themselves are.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8021


One of those spirits belonging to Jupiter already spoken about who produce the feeling of fear in people as they move towards them came close to my left side beneath my forearm and spoke from there. But his speech was grating; his words were so very indistinct, without any separations between them, that I had to concentrate a long time before I could gather the meaning of them. And as he spoke he also introduced some amount of fear. He said that what he had just done was what they do on his planet; that before their angels go to someone spirits like him are sent on ahead to prepare that person in that way. At the same time he warned me to receive them well when they arrived. But I was led to reply, It does not depend on me; I welcome all people just as they are.

Latin(1748-1756) 8021

8021. Continuatio de Spiritibus et Incolis Planetae Jovis

Quidam ex spiritibus Jovis qui terrorem incutiunt per adventum, de quibus prius, appulit ad sinistrum meum latus sub ulna ac inde loquebatur, sed loquela ejus erat stridens, voces nec erant {1} admodum discretae ac inter se separatae, adeo ut diu expectare deberem antequam colligerem sensum; et cum loquebatur, etiam interjiciebat aliquid terroris; dicebat quod ita in sua tellure fiat, et quod illi, antequam angeli illorum adveniunt, praemittantur ad hominem, ac eo modo praeparent; monens ut etiam ego illos, cum veniunt, bene excipiam; sed respondere datum est quod hoc meum non sit, sed quod apud me excipiantur omnes sicut ipsi sunt. @1 i continuae, sed$

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