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属天的奥秘 第8026节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8026

8026. These kinds of speech are circumstanced like fluids; the first kind is like fluent water; the second is like water more attenuated; the third is relatively like the atmosphere; and the fourth is like a thin aura.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8026

8026. These kinds of communication were like the fluid elements. The first kind was like water in a normal fluid state, and the second like water in a state not so dense; the third was in comparison with these like air, and the fourth like rarefied air.

Latin(1748-1756) 8026

8026. Loquelae haec genera se habebant sicut fluida, {1}primum genus sicut aqua fluens, {2}alterum sicut aqua tenuior, {3}tertium sicut atmosphaera respective, et {4}quartum sicut aura tenuis. @1 prima$ @2 altera$ @3 tertia$ @4 quarta$

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