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属天的奥秘 第8025节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8025

8025. Lastly they spoke in such a way that their discourse fell only into the interior understanding; its fluency was like that of a thin aura. I perceived the influx itself, but not distinctly the particulars. They said that there are men of their earth also with whom they speak in this manner, and that they are those who after death are immediately carried up into heaven.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8025

8025. Finally they communicated in such a way that what they expressed went no further than the inner level of my understanding. The rapid flow of it was like that of rarefied air. I detected the actual flow but could not distinguish the details of what they expressed. They said that there are also people on their planet with whom they communicate using this way of communicating, and that they are those who after death are immediately taken to heaven.

Latin(1748-1756) 8025

8025. Ultimo loquebantur ita ut sermo solum caderet in intellectum interiorem; erat volubilitas ejus sicut aurae tenuis; ipsum influxum percipiebam sed non distincte singula {1}; dicebant quod etiam sint in sua tellure homines cum quibus hac loquela loquuntur, et quod sint illi qui post mortem immediate auferuntur in caelum. @1 i sermonis$

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