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属天的奥秘 第8030节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8030

8030. This angelic heaven to which they are carried away is the first heaven, or the last of the three. This heaven appears to the right from their earth, and is quite separate from the first or lowest heaven of the angels who are from our earth. They who are in this heaven appear clothed in azure dotted with little golden stars; for they believe this color to be the veriest heavenly color. When they are in the world, and contemplate the starry heaven, they call it the abode of the angels; and for this reason the azure color is loved by them.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8030

8030. The angelic heaven to which they are taken away is the first heaven or the lowest of the three heavens. This heaven is seen to the right of their planet and is entirely separate from the first or lowest heaven of angels belonging to our planet. The inhabitants of that heaven appear wearing sky-blue clothing dotted with tiny golden stars, since they believe that this is the truest heavenly colour. When they are in the world and gaze at the starry sky they call it the angels' dwelling-place, which also explains their fondness for the colour sky-blue.

Latin(1748-1756) 8030

8030. Caelum hoc angelicum ad quod auferuntur est caelum primum seu trium ultimum; hoc caelum apparet ad dextrum a tellure illorum, et prorsus separatum est a caelo primo seu ultimo angelorum qui e nostra tellure; qui in illo caelo sunt apparent induti caeruleo punctato aureis stellulis; credunt enim eum colorem esse ipsissimum caelestem; {1} cum in mundo sunt et contemplantur caelum stelliferum, (m)vocant illud domicilium angelorum, inde etiam color caeruleus {2}ab illis amatur.(n) @1 i nam$ @2 insidet illorum animam et$

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