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属天的奥秘 第8031节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8031

8031. The spirits of that earth are utterly unwilling to be in fellowship with the spirits of our earth, because they differ in disposition and manners; for they say that the spirits of our earth are cunning, and are ingenious in plotting evils, and that they know and think little about what is good; also that they do not, as they do, acknowledge the one only Lord. Moreover, the spirits of the earth Jupiter are much wiser than the spirits of our earth, of whom they also say that they speak much and think little, and thus that they cannot interiorly perceive many things, and not even what good is. From this they conclude that the men of our earth are external men.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8031

8031. Spirits belonging to that planet have no desire at all to mix with spirits belonging to our planet, since they have different inclinations and customs. They say that spirits belonging to our planet are deceitful, and are quick and clever at devising wicked deeds, having little knowledge of what is good and giving little thought to it. They also say that spirits from our planet do not acknowledge the one and only Lord, as they themselves do. Furthermore spirits belonging to the planet Jupiter have far more wisdom than spirits belonging to our planet, about whom they also say that they talk a lot but think little, and so cannot have a deep perception of many things, and certainly not of what is good. From all this they infer that people belonging to our planet are external people.

Latin(1748-1756) 8031

8031. Spiritus illius telluris prorsus non volunt in consortio esse cum spiritibus nostrae telluris, quia differunt animis et moribus; dicunt enim quod spiritus nostrae telluris sint astuti, ac ad machinanda mala prompti (c)et ingeniosi, et quod parum sciant (c)et cogitent de bono; tum quod non sicut illi agnoscant unicum Dominum. Praeterea spiritus telluris Jovis multo sapientiores sunt spiritibus nostrae telluris, de quibus etiam dicunt quod multa loquantur et parum cogitent, (c)et sic quod non multa possint interius percipere, {1}et ne quidem bonum; concludunt inde quod {2}homines nostrae telluris homines externi sint. @1 nempe num vere bonum sit vel non$ @2 in tellure nostra exteriores homines sint$

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