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属天的奥秘 第8036节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8036

8036. This then is charity, and this is faith. They who are in these have within them the kingdom of the Lord and heaven, and within them is the church; and these are they who have been regenerated by the Lord, and from Him have received a new will and a new understanding.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8036

8036. Such then is charity, and such is faith. Those in whom they are present have the Lord's kingdom and heaven within them; and they have the Church within them. They are those who have been regenerated by the Lord, and have received from Him a new will and a new understanding.

Latin(1748-1756) 8036

8036. Hoc nunc est charitas, et hoc est fides; qui in illis sunt in se habent regnum Domini et caelum; ac in illis est Ecclesia; et sunt qui regenerati sunt a Domino, et ab Ipso acceperunt novam voluntatem et novum intellectum.

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