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属天的奥秘 第8039节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8039

8039. In the latter portion of the chapter, and thereafter, the subject treated of is the further preparation of those who were of the spiritual church and who before the coming of the Lord were detained in the lower earth until they could be introduced into heaven, and that for the sake of this end they were first sent through the midst of damnation in safety, and after this underwent temptations, the Lord being continually present. Transmission through the midst of damnation is signified by the passage through the sea Suph; temptations are signified by that life in the wilderness to which they were led; and the presence of the Lord is signified by the pillar of cloud by day, and of fire by night.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8039

8039. The latter part of the present chapter, and what comes after it, deals with the further preparation of those belonging to the spiritual Church who were held back on the lower earth before the Lord's Coming, until they could be led into heaven. To the end that they might be brought there they were first conveyed safely through the midst of damnation, then underwent temptations, during all of which the Lord was present constantly. Their conveyance through the midst of damnation is meant by the passage through the Sea Suph; their temptations are meant by life in the wilderness to which the people were led; and the Lord's presence is meant by the pillar of cloud during the daytime and of fire by night.

Latin(1748-1756) 8039

8039. In sequentibus hujus capitis, et postea, agitur de ulteriore praeparatione illorum qui ab Ecclesia spirituali, et ante Adventum Domini in inferiore terra detenti sunt, antequam introduci possent in caelum; et quod propter illum finem, {1}primo per mediam damnationem tuto {2}transmitterentur, et (d)dein quod subirent tentationes, jugiter praesente Domino; {3}transmissio per mediam damnationem significatur per `transitionem per mare Suph'; tentationes per vitam in deserto ad quod ducebantur; ac praesentia Domini per `columnam nubis interdiu, et ignis noctu.' @1 d primum$ @2 transirent$ @3 transitio$

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