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属天的奥秘 第806节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]806. The conclusions follow logically that of all that was on dry land symbolizes people who no longer had any of that life and that they died means that this life expired. And since the whole living force of love and faith had been eradicated, the term dry land appears.
Dry land is a place without water, that is, where there is no longer anything spiritual, let alone heavenly. The conviction that falsity is true destroys any spiritual or heavenly quality by suffocating it, so to speak, as we can all see from much experience, if we pay attention. Once people have laid hold of an opinion, even if it is utterly false, they stick to it so obstinately that they do not want even to hear anything that contradicts it. They positively refuse to be taught, even if you place the truth before their very eyes. This applies still more strongly to those who treat their misguided opinions with a sort of reverential awe. People who rebuff all truth and pervert what they do allow themselves to hear, suffusing it with their fantasies, are like this.
They are the ones symbolized here by the dry land, which has neither water nor grain on it, as in Ezekiel:
I will turn the rivers into dry ground and sell the land into the hand of the evil and strip the land and its abundance. (Ezekiel 30:12)
Turning the rivers into dry ground stands for a condition in which nothing spiritual remains. And in Jeremiah:
Your land has become dry ground. (Jeremiah 44:22)
Dry ground stands for a ruined and devastated land, where nothing true or good remains.

Potts(1905-1910) 806

806. Of all that was in the dry [land]. That this signifies those in whom there was no longer such life, and that their "dying" signifies that they expired, now follows from what has been shown. And because all the life of love and faith was extinguished, it is here said the "dry [land]." "Dry [land]" is where there is no water, that is, where there is no longer anything spiritual, still less celestial. A persuasion of falsity extinguishes and as it were suffocates everything spiritual and celestial; as everyone may know from much experience, if he pays attention. They who have once conceived opinions, though most false, cling to them so obstinately that they are not even willing to hear anything that is contrary to them; so that they never suffer themselves to be informed, even if the truth be placed before their eyes. Still more is this the case when they worship the false opinion from a notion of its sanctity. Such are they who spurn every truth, and that which they admit they pervert, and thus immerse in phantasies. It is they who are signified here by the "dry [land]" wherein there is no water and no grass. So in Ezekiel:

I will make the rivers dry, and will sell the land into the hand of evil men; and I will make the land desolate, and the fullness thereof (Ezek. 30:12). To "make the rivers dry" signifies that there is no longer anything spiritual. And in Jeremiah:

Your land is become dry [land] (Jer. 44:22). "Dry [land]" here denotes land that is desolated and laid waste, so that there is no longer anything of truth and good.

Elliott(1983-1999) 806

806. 'Everything that was on the dry land' means the people in whom nothing of that kind of life existed any more, and 'they died' means that they breathed their last. This follows now from what has been said above. And because all the life that belongs to love and faith had been annihilated, 'the dry land' is referred to here. The dry land is where there is no water, that is, where nothing spiritual, let alone celestial, exists any more. Persuasion of falsity annihilates and so to speak suffocates everything spiritual and celestial, as anyone may recognize from much experience if he pays the matter any attention. Once people have adopted opinions, though utterly false, they cling to them so tenaciously that they will not even listen to anything to the contrary. That being so, they never allow themselves to be taught, even if the truth is placed before their very eyes. Still more is this the case when they reverence a false opinion because of some idea that is sacred. Such people spurn all truth, and what they do accept they pervert, and in so doing submerge in delusions. It is they who are meant here by 'the dry land' which has no water or grass on it, as in Ezekiel,

I will make the rivers dry land, and will sell the land into the hand of evil men, and I will make the land desolate and the fullness of it. Ezek 30:12.

'Making the rivers dry land' stands for what is spiritual being no more. And in Jeremiah,

Your land has become dry land. Jer 44:22.

'Dry land' stands for land made desolate and laid waste so that there is no longer any good or truth at all.

Latin(1748-1756) 806

806. 'Ab omni quod in arida': quod significet illos in quibus nihil talis vitae amplius et quod 'mortua sunt' significet exspiravisse inde nunc sequitur: et quia omnis vita amoris et fidei exstincta fuit, hic dicitur 'arida.' Arida est ubi non aqua, hoc est, ubi nihil spirituale amplius, minus caeleste; persuasio falsi omne spirituale et caeleste exstinguit et quasi suffocat; sicut unusquisque scire potest a multa experientia, si attendat; qui semel opiniones captarunt, tametsi falsissimas, inhaerent iis tam obstinate ut ne quidem audire velint aliquid quod contrariatur; ita nusquam patiuntur se instrui, si vel ante oculos eorum ponatur verum; adhuc magis dum opinionem falsi ex sanctitate quadam colunt; tales sunt qui omne verum respuunt, et quod admittunt, pervertunt, et sic infundunt phantasiis: hi sunt qui per 'aridam' hic significantur, super qua nec aqua, nec gramen, ut apud Ezechielem, Ponam fluvios aridam, et vendam terram in manum malorum et desolabo terram et plenitudinem ejus, xxx 12;

'ponere fluvios aridam' pro quod non amplius quid spirituale: et apud Jeremiam, Facta est terra vestra in aridam, xliv 22;

'arida' pro terra desolata et vastata, ut amplius nihil veri et boni.

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