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属天的奥秘 第807节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]807. Genesis 7:23. And all substance that was on the face of the ground was obliterated, from human to animal to creeping thing to the bird of the heavens, and they were obliterated from the earth. And Noah alone was left, and what was with him in the ark.
All substance was obliterated symbolizes cravings, which are a product of self-love. That was on the face of the ground symbolizes the descendants of the earliest church. From human to animal to creeping thing to the bird of the heavens symbolizes the nature of their evil. The human is the actual nature, the animal is cravings, the creeping thing sensual pleasure, and the bird of the heavens the falsity that grows out of these. And they were obliterated from the earth sums it up by saying that the earliest church passed away. Noah alone was left, and what was with him in the ark, means that those who made up the new church were kept alive, what was with him in the ark being everything that belonged to the new church.

Potts(1905-1910) 807

807. Verse 23. And He destroyed every substance that was upon the faces of the ground, from man even to beast, even to creeping thing, and even to the fowl of the heavens; and they were destroyed from the earth; and Noah only was left; and that which was with him in the ark. "And He destroyed every substance" signifies cupidities which are of the love of self; "that was upon the faces of the ground" signifies the posterity of the Most Ancient Church; "from man even to beast, even to creeping thing, and even to the fowl of the heavens" signifies the nature of their evil; "man" that nature itself, "beast" cupidities, "creeping thing" pleasures, "fowl of the heavens" falsities therefrom; "and they were destroyed from the earth" is the conclusion-that the Most Ancient Church expired. "Noah only was left, and that which was with him in the ark" signifies that they who constituted the new church were preserved; "that which was with him in the ark" signifies all things that were of the new church.

Elliott(1983-1999) 807

807. Verse 13 And He wiped out every beinga which was on the faceb of the ground, from man to beasts, to creeping things, and to birds of the air;c and they were wiped out from the earth; and Noah alone remained and that which was with him in the ark.

'He wiped out every being'a means the desires which belong to self-love. 'Which was on the faceb of the ground' means the descendants of the Most Ancient Church. 'From man to beasts, to creeping things, and to birds of the air'c means the nature of the evil of those people -'man' the nature itself, 'beasts' desires, 'creeping things' pleasures, 'birds of the air'c derivative falsities. 'And they were wiped out from the earth' is the finish, namely that the Most Ancient Church breathed its last. 'Noah alone remained and that which was with him in the ark' means that those who constituted the new Church were preserved. 'That which was with him in the ark' means all things that belonged to that new Church.


a lit. every substance
b lit. over the faces
c lit. bird of the heavens (or the skies)

Latin(1748-1756) 807

807. Vers. 23. Et delevit omnem substantiam quae super faciebus humi, ab homine usque ad bestiam, usque ad reptile, et usque ad avem caelorum; et deleta sunt e terra, et relictus tantum Noah et quod cum illo in arca. 'Delevit omnem substantiam' significat cupiditates quae amoris sui: 'quae super faciebus humi' significant posteritatem Ecclesiae Antiquissimae: 'ab homine usque ad bestiam, usque ad reptile, et usque ad avem caelorum' significant naturam mali eorum; 'homo' ipsam naturam, 'bestia' cupiditates, 'reptile' voluptates, 'avis caelorum' falsitates inde: 'et deleta sunt e terra' est conclusio, quod Antiquissima Ecclesia exspiraverit: 'relictus tantum Noah et quod cum illo in arca' significat quod conservati qui novam Ecclesiam constituerunt; 'quod cum illo in arca' significant omnia quae novae Ecclesiae.

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