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属天的奥秘 第8162节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8162

8162. And they were sore afraid. That this signifies a horrible dread, is evident from the signification of "being afraid," when predicated of temptation, as being horror, or horrible dread. That "fear" denotes a horrible dread, is because when temptation assails, the conscience-thus the internal man, for conscience is of the internal man is disheartened by reason of falsities and evils; whence comes horror, which is aversion conjoined with the fear of spiritual death. Horror arises from the mere influx of falsity and evil with those who have conscience, for conscience is from the truth and good of faith, thus from those things which make the spiritual life. Falsities and evils are destructive of that life, and thus endeavor to inflict death, that is, damnation; and from this comes the horrible dread.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8162

8162. 'And they were in great fear' means a feeling of horror. This is clear from the meaning of 'being in fear', when used in reference to temptation, as horror or a feeling of horror. 'Fear' means a feeling of horror because when temptation presses on a person his conscience is stricken by falsities and evils, and so is his internal man since conscience belongs to the internal man. This gives rise to horror, which is repulsion combined with a fear of spiritual death. With those who have conscience horror arises from the mere influx of falsity and evil, for conscience consists of the truth and good of faith, and so of those things which constitute spiritual life. Falsities and evils are destructive of that life, and so are constantly attempting to inflict death, that is, damnation, which gives rise to a feeling of horror.

Latin(1748-1756) 8162

8162. `Et timuerunt valde': quod significet horrescentiam, constat ex significatione `timere,' cum praedicatur de tentatione, quod sit horror seu horrescentia; quod `timor' sit horrescentia, est quia cum tentatio ingruit, ex falsis et malis {1} conscientia percellitur, ita internus homo, nam conscientia est interni hominis; inde horror, qui est aversatio conjuncta timori pro morte spirituali; horror existit ex solo influxu falsi et mali apud illos qui conscientiam habent, nam conscientia est ex vero et bono fidei, {2}ita ex illis quae faciunt vitam spiritualem; falsa et mala sunt destruentia {3}illam vitam, ita conantia inferre mortem, hoc est, damnationem, inde horrescentia. @1 i injectis$ @2 quae faciunt vitam illius apud quem sunt$ @3 vitae$

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