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属天的奥秘 第8164节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8164

8164. And they said unto Moses. That this signifies the height of temptation when there is despair, is evident from the words that follow, for they are involved in "they said;" that the following words are words of temptation, when this comes to its height, and when there is despair, is evident. It is said "despair," because for the most part this is the end, or is at the end, of spiritual temptations (see n. 1787, 2694, 5279, 5280, 7147, 7155, 7166). Inasmuch as at this day few undergo spiritual temptations, and consequently it is not known how the case is with temptations, I may say something further on the subject. There are spiritual temptations, and there are natural temptations. Spiritual temptations belong to the internal man, but natural ones to the external man. Spiritual temptations sometimes arise without natural temptations, sometimes with them. Natural temptations exist when a man suffers as to the body, as to honors, as to wealth, in a word, as to the natural life, as is the case in diseases, misfortunes, persecutions, punishments, and the like. The anxieties which then arise, are what are meant by "natural temptations." But these temptations effect nothing whatever toward man's spiritual life, neither can they be called temptations, but griefs; for they arise from the wounding of the natural life, which is that of the love of self and of the world. The wicked are sometimes in these griefs, and they grieve and are tormented in proportion to the extent of their love of self and of the world, and the life they have from this source. [2] But spiritual temptations belong to the internal man, and assault his spiritual life. In this case the anxieties are not on account of any loss of natural life, but on account of the loss of faith and charity, and consequently of salvation. These temptations are frequently induced by means of natural temptations, for if when a man is in these-that is, in disease, grief, the loss of wealth or honor, and the like-he begins to think about the Lord's aid, His providence, the state of the evil in that they glory and exult when the good suffer and undergo various griefs and various losses, then spiritual temptation is conjoined with natural temptation. Such was the last temptation of the Lord in Gethsemane, and when He suffered the cross, which was the most frightful of all. From all this it is evident what natural temptation is, and what spiritual. There is also a third kind, namely, melancholy anxiety, the cause of which is for the most part to be found in an infirm state of the body or of the lower mind. In this anxiety there may be something of spiritual temptation, or there may be nothing of it.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8164

8164. 'And they said to Moses' means the climax of the temptation, and despair. This is clear from the words that follow, for 'they said' includes them. The fact that the words which follow are words uttered in temptation when this has reached its climax and when there is despair is self-evident. The term 'despair' is used because this is usually the final phase or comes within the final phase of spiritual temptations, 1787, 2694, 5279, 5280, 7147, 7155, 7166. Since there are few at the present day who undergo spiritual temptations and therefore the nature of them is unknown, let something more be said about them. There are spiritual temptations or trials and there are natural temptations or trials. Spiritual temptations belong to the internal man, whereas natural trials belong to the external man. Spiritual temptations sometimes occur separately from natural trials, at other times together with them. They are natural trials when a person suffers in ways that affect his physical body, position in society, and wealth, in short his natural life, that is, the kinds of sufferings he undergoes when he is sick, unfortunate, persecuted, wrongly punished, and so on. Anxious feelings in such circumstances are what are meant by natural trials. But these trials contribute nothing whatever to the person's spiritual life; nor should they be called trials or temptations but miseries. For they arise as a result of harm done to his natural life, which is the life of self-love and love of the world. Criminals sometimes endure such miseries; and the more that they love self and the world, and so depend on these for their life, the greater is their misery and anguish.

[2] But spiritual temptations belong to the internal man; they are attacks made on his spiritual life. Anxious feelings in this case do not exist on account of any loss in their natural life, but on account of the loss of faith and charity, and consequently of salvation. Natural trials are often the means by which those spiritual temptations come about. For if a person is suffering natural trials - that is to say, sickness, sorrow, loss of wealth or position, and so on - and during them comes to think of the Lord's help, His Providence, and the state of the wicked, in that they boast and rejoice when the good suffer and endure various miseries and losses, then spiritual temptation is bound up with natural trial. Such was the Lord's final temptation, in Gethsemane, and when He endured the Cross, which was the severest of all. From all this one may see what natural trial is and what spiritual temptation is. A third kind of temptation or trial also exists, which is anxiety and depression caused for the most part by physical or mental infirmity. Such anxiety may involve some degree of spiritual temptation or it may not involve any at all.

Latin(1748-1756) 8164

8164. `Et dixerunt ad Moschen': quod significet tentationis summum {1}et desperationem, constat ex illis quae sequuntur, nam illa involvuntur in `dixerunt'; quod sequentia verba sint verba tentationis cum haec ad summum venit, et cum desperatio, patet; desperatio dicitur quia haec plerumque est finis seu in fine tentationum spiritualium, n. 1787, 2694, 5279, 5280, 7147, 7155, 7166. Quia hodie pauci sunt qui (t)tentationes spirituales subeunt, et inde ignotum quomodo cum illis se habet, {2}aliquid de illis ulterius licet dicere: sunt tentationes spirituales (t)et sunt tentationes naturales; tentationes spirituales sunt interni hominis, naturales autem sunt externi; tentationes spirituales quandoque existunt absque tentationibus naturalibus, {3} quandoque cum illis; tentationes naturales sunt cum homo patitur quoad corpus, {4} quoad honores, {4} quoad opes, {5}verbo, quoad vitam naturalem, ut fit in morbis, infortuniis, persecutionibus, punitionibus non ex justo, (c)ac similibus; anxietates quae tunc existunt sunt quae intelliguntur per tentationes naturales; sed hae tentationes prorsus nihil faciunt ad vitam ejus spiritualem, nec dici possunt tentationes sed {6} dolores; existunt enim ex laesione vitae naturalis, quae est amoris sui et mundi; in his {7}doloribus sunt quandoque scelerati, qui (x)eo plus dolent et anguntur, quo plus se et mundum amant, et sic inde vitam habent. 2 At tentationes spirituales sunt interni hominis, et aggrediuntur ejus vitam spiritualem; anxietates tunc non sunt propter aliquam jacturam vitae naturalis, sed propter jacturam fidei et charitatis, et consequenter salutis; inducuntur hae tentationes saepe per tentationes naturales, nam cum homo in his est, nempe in morbo, dolore, jactura opum aut honoris, {8} et similibus, si tunc {9}cogitatio venit de ope Domini, de Providentia Ipsius, {10}de statu malorum quod glorientur et exultent, cum boni patiuntur, ac (x)varios dolores et varias jacturas subeunt, tunc est tentatio spiritualis conjuncta tentationi (x)naturali; talis fuit ultima tentatio Domini, {11} in Gethsemane, et cum crucem passus est, quae fuit omnium atrocissima. Ex his patet quid tentatio naturalis et quid spiritualis. Datur quoque tertium genus, nempe anxietas melancholica quae ex statu infirmo corporis {12}aut animi ut plurimum causam trahit; illi anxietati potest aliquid (x)tentationis spiritualis inesse, et potest nihil ejus inesse. @1 cp n. 8158$ @2 ulterius de illis aliquid dicendum:$ @3 i et$ @4 i vel$ @5 et in morbis, punitionibus, infortuniis$ @6 i modo$ @7 anxietatibus possunt esse omnium pessimi$ @8 i aut in persequutione,$ @9 in cogitatione est$ @10 de eo quod mali glorientur et exultent, et boni patiantur et in dolore sint, et similia plura$ @11 i cum$ @12 et inde$

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