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属天的奥秘 第7155节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7155

7155. And the officers of the sons of Israel saw that they were in evil. That this signifies that they saw themselves near damnation, is evident from the signification of "seeing," as being to perceive (n. 2150, 3764, 4567, 4723, 5400); from the signification of the "officers," as being those who most closely receive and communicate the infestations (n. 7111, 7136); and from the signification of "evil," as being damnation for regarded in itself evil is hell (n. 6279), thus damnation. That "to be in evil" denotes to be near damnation, is because those who most closely received and communicated the infestations were injured, which is signified by their being beaten by the taskmasters (n. 7136), and because through the falsities that were continually injected they were infested even to despair (n. 7147). Hence it is that by "they saw that they were in evil" is signified that they perceived themselves to be near damnation. For as those who are in despair suppose that they can no longer endure the assaults, they think that they must needs deliver themselves up as captives to falsities, such being the state of despair; but then they begin to be relieved, and to be led as it were out of thick darkness into light.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7155

7155. 'And the officers of the children of Israel saw themselves to be in evil' means being close to damnation. This is clear from the meaning of 'seeing' as discerning, dealt with in 2150, 3764, 4567, 4723, 5400; from the meaning of 'the officers' as those in the nearest position to receive molestations and pass them on, dealt with in 7111, 7136; and from the meaning of 'evil' as damnation, for regarded in itself evil is hell, 6279, thus damnation. The reason why 'being in evil' means being close to damnation is that those who were in the nearest position to receive the molestations and pass them on suffered harm, meant by their being beaten by the taskmasters, 7136, and that the molestation of falsities that were constantly introduced brought them even to the point of despair, 7147. So it is that 'they saw themselves to be in evil' means their discernment that they were close to damnation. For because those who are at the point of despair suppose that they can no longer withstand the attacks made on them, they think that they cannot do anything else but surrender like prisoners to falsities. This is what the state of despair is like; yet in that state they begin to be lifted out of it and be led so to speak from thick darkness into light.

Latin(1748-1756) 7155

7155. `Et viderunt moderatores filiorum Israelis semet in malo': quod significet quod prope damnationem, constat ex significatione `videre' quod sit appercipere, de qua n. 2150, 3764, 4567, 4723, 5400; ex significatione `moderatorum' quod sint qui infestationes proxime recipiunt et communicant, de qua n. 7111, 7136; et ex significatione `mali' quod sit damnatio; nam malum in se spectatum est infernum, n. 6279, ita damnatio. Quod `esse in malo' sit esse prope damnationem, est quia illi qui infestationes proxime receperunt et communicarunt fuerint laesi, quod significatur per quod `percussi sint ab exactoribus,' n. 7136, et quod per falsa continue injecta {1} usque ad desperationem {2}sint infestati, n. 7147; inde est quod per `viderunt semet in malo' significetur quod apperciperent se prope damnationem esse; qui enim in desperatione {3}sunt, quia insultus non amplius se sustinere posse putant, cogitant quod non possint aliter quam se tradere falsis sicut captivos, nam talis status est desperationis, sed tunc incipiunt illi sublevari, et duci quasi e caligine {4} in lucem. @1 i sic$ @2 infestarentur A, sint infesta I$ @3 This and other verbs to end of are all singular in A.$ @4 i venire$

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