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属天的奥秘 第8166节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8166

8166. Why hast thou done this to us, in leading us forth out of Egypt? That this signifies that it was in vain that they had been liberated from infestations by falsities, is evident from the signification of "why hast thou done this to us?" as being that it was all in vain; from the signification of "to be led forth," as being to be liberated and from the signification of "Egypt," as being infestations (of which just above, n. 8165).

Elliott(1983-1999) 8166

8166. 'What is this you have done to us, to bring us out of Egypt?' means that their deliverance from molestations by falsities had been to no avail. This is clear from the meaning of 'what is this you have done to us?' as that it had been to no avail; from the meaning of 'being brought out' as being delivered; and from the meaning of 'Egypt' as molestations, dealt with immediately above in 8165.

Latin(1748-1756) 8166

8166. `Quid hoc fecisti nobis, ad educendum nos ex Aegypto?': quod significet quod irritum esset quod ex infestationibus a falsis liberati sint, constat ex significatione `quid hoc fecisti nobis?' quod sit quod irritum esset; ex significatione {1}`educi' quod sit liberari; et ex significatione `Aegypti' quod sint infestationes, de qua mox supra n. (x)8165. @1 educere$

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