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属天的奥秘 第8278节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8278

8278. The abysses have covered them. That this signifies that falsities from cupidities have enveloped them, is evident from the signification of "the abysses," as being falsities which are from cupidities. By "abysses" in the Word are meant waters and abundance of waters in the deeps; and by "waters" in a good sense are signified truths, and in the opposite sense falsities (see n. 739, 790, 2702, 3058, 3424, 4976, 5668), and by "deeps" are signified the hells. Hence it is that "abysses" denote falsities from cupidities; also that they denote the hells. That by "abysses" in the Word are meant waters in the deeps and abundance of waters, is evident in these passages:

The waters made the cedar to grow, the abyss made it high; so that with its rivers it went round thy plant, and it sent out water-channels unto all the trees of the field (Ezek. 31:4). He clave the rocks in the wilderness, and made them drink the great abysses; He brought forth streams out of the rock, and made the waters to come down like streams (Ps. 78:15, 16). A good land, a land of rivers of water, of fountains and abysses, going forth from valley and from mountain (Deut. 8:7). In these passages "abysses" denote waters in abundance; and waters in abundance, or "abysses," denote truths of faith in abundance. "He made them to drink great abysses out of the rock" denotes that He made them receive truths of faith without lack, for "rock" denotes faith from the Lord, thus the Lord as to faith; "the abysses going forth from valley and from mountain" denote truths of faith from love. Consequently also among the blessings of Joseph were "blessings of the abyss that lieth beneath" (Gen. 49:25; Deut. 33:13). [2] That "abysses" denote falsities from cupidities, consequently also the hells, is evident in the following passages:

Awake, as in the days of old, the generations of eternity; dost Thou not dry up the sea, the waters of the great abyss, and make the depths of the sea for a way, that the redeemed may pass over? (Isa. 51:9, 10). Jehovah who cleft asunder the waters before them, who led them through the abysses, like a horse in the wilderness; they stumbled not (Isa. 63:12, 13). Thus said the Lord Jehovih, When I shall make thee a desolate city, like the cities that are not inhabited; when I shall make the abyss to come up against thee, and many waters shall cover thee (Ezek. 26:19). I saw a star from heaven fallen to the earth, to which was given the key of the pit of the abyss, and he opened the pit of the abyss (Rev. 9:1, 2, 11). The beast that cometh up out of the abyss made war with them (Rev. 11:7). The beast that thou sawest was, and is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss, and go into perdition (Rev. 17:8). In these passages the "abyss" denotes the hells, thus also falsities from cupidities, for these are in the hells and make them. [3] As these things are signified by "abysses," by them are also signified temptations, for temptations are effected by means of falsities and evils that are injected by the hells. In this sense "abyss" is used in these passages:

The waters compassed me about, even to the soul; the abyss was round about me (Jonah 2:5). Abyss crieth unto abyss at the voice of thy water-channels; all thy breakers and thy waves have passed over me (Ps. 42:7). Who hast shown me many and evil straitnesses, return and quicken me, and make me return and come up from the abysses of the earth (Ps. 71:20).

Elliott(1983-1999) 8278

8278. 'The depths have covered them' means that falsities resulting from evil desires have overwhelmed them. This is clear from the meaning of 'the depths' as falsities which exist as a result of evil desires. In the Word 'depths' is used to mean waters and large amounts of waters in deep places, 'waters' in the good sense meaning truths and in the contrary sense falsities, 739, 790, 2702, 3058, 3424, 4976, 5668, and deep places' meaning the hells. So it is that 'depths' means falsities resulting from evil desires, as well as meaning the hells. The fact that 'depths' is used in the Word to mean waters in deep places and to mean large amounts of waters is clear in Ezekiel,

The waters caused the cedar to grow, the depth made it high, so that it went with its rivers around the place of its planting, and he sent out his lines of water to all the trees of the field. Ezek 31:4.

In David,

He split the rocks in the wilderness, and caused them to drink the great depths. He brought streams out of the rock and caused waters to descend as streams. Ps 78:15, 16.

In Moses,

... a good land, a land of rivers of water, springs, and depths gushing out of valley and mountain. Deut 8:7.

In these places 'depths' stands for waters in large amounts; and waters in large amounts or 'depths' stands for the truths of faith in abundance. 'Causing them to drink great depths from the rock' stands for the truths of faith never failing, for 'rock' is faith derived from the Lord, thus the Lord in respect of faith. 'Depths gushing out of valley and mountain' stands for the truths of faith coming out of love. This also explains why the blessings of Joseph included the blessings of the deep Lying beneath, Gen 49:25; Deut 33:13

[2] The fact that 'the depths'a means falsities resulting from evil desires as well as meaning the hells is clear in Isaiah,

Awake as in the days of antiquity, the generations of long ago. Do You not dry up the sea, the waters of the great deep, and make the deep places of the sea a road, in order that the redeemed may go across? Isa 51:9-11.

In the same prophet,

... Jehovah who divided the waters before them, who led them through the depths; as a horse in the wilderness they did not stumble. Isa 63:12-14.

In Ezekiel,

Thus said the Lord Jehovih, When I make you a city laid desolate, like the cities that are not inhabited, when I shall cause the deep to come up against you, and many waters have covered you ... Ezek 26:19.

In John,

I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to earth. To him was given the key of the pit of the abyss; and he opened the pit of the abyss. Rev 9:1, 2, 11.

In the same author,

The beast that comes up from the abyss will makeb war with them. Rev 11:7.

Yet again in the same author,

The beast that you saw was, and is not, and will come up out of the abyss and go away to perdition. Rev 17:8.

In these places 'the depths', 'the deep', or 'the abyss' stands for the hells, and so also for the falsities resulting from evil desires, since these desires exist in the hells and constitute them.

[3] Since these things are meant by 'the depths', temptations are also meant by them, for temptations are brought about by falsities and evils which the hells have introduced. This further meaning occurs in Jonah,

The waters surrounded me, even to [my] soul, the deep closed around me. Jonah 2:5.
In David,

Deep is calling to deep at the noise of Your waterspouts; all Your breakers and Your waves have passed over me. Ps 42:7.
You who have shown me many severe troubles,c turn back and revive me, and cause me to turn back and come up from the depths of the earth. Ps 71:20.


a In the quotations that follow the same Latin word is rendered variously - the depths, the deep, or the abyss.
b Reading faciet (will make), which Sw. has in his rough draft and also in another place where he quotes this verse, for fecit (has made)
c lit. many and evil distresses

Latin(1748-1756) 8278

8278. `Abyssi obtexerunt illos': quod significet quod falsitates ex cupiditatibus operuerint illos, constat ex significatione `abyssorum' quod sint falsitates quae ex cupiditatibus; per `abyssos' in Verbo intelliguntur aquae et aquarum copiae in profundis, et per `aquas' in bono sensu significantur vera, et in opposito falsa, n. 739, 790, 2702, 3058, 3424, 4976, 5668, et per `profunda' significantur inferna; inde est quod `abyssi' sint falsitates ex cupiditatibus, tum quod sint inferna. Quod {1}per `abyssos' in Verbo intelligantur aquae in profundis et aquarum copiae, constat apud Ezechielem, Aquae crescere fecerunt cedrum, abyssus altam fecit illam, ita ut [cum] fluviis suis iverit circum plantam tuam, et aquaeductus suos emiserit ad omnes arbores agri, xxxi 4:

(m)apud Davidem, Diffidit petras in deserto, et bibere fecit abyssos magnas; eduxit fluenta e petra, et descendere fecit aquas sicut fluenta, Ps. (x)lxxviii 15, 16:(n) apud Moschen, Terra bona, terra fluviorum aquae, fontium, et abyssorum exeuntium e valle et e monte, Deut. viii 7;

{2}in his locis `abyssi' pro aquis in copia; et `aquae' in copia seu abyssi pro veris fidei in abundantia; (m)`bibere fecit abyssos magnas e petra' {3}pro quod vera fidei absque defectu, nam `petra' est fides a Domino, ita Dominus quoad fidem;(n) `abyssi exeuntes e valle et e monte' pro veris fidei ex amore; inde etiam inter benedictiones Josephi {4}fuerunt Benedictiones abyssi cubantis infra, Gen. xlix 25; Deut. xxxiii 13. 2 Quod `abyssi' sint falsitates ex cupiditatibus, proinde etiam inferna {5}, constat apud Esaiam, Expergiscere juxta dies antiquitatis, generationes aeternitatis; nonne Tu exsiccas mare, aquas abyssi magnae, et ponis profunditates maris in viam, ut transeant redempti? li 9-11:

apud eundem, Jehovah Qui discidit aquas coram illis, Qui duxit illos per abyssos, sicut equus in deserto, non {6}offenderunt, lxiii [12,] 13, 14:

apud Ezechielem, Sic dixit Dominus Jehovih, Cum dedero te urbem desolatam, sicut urbes quae non habitantur, cum ascendere fecero contra te abyssum, et obtexerint te aquae multae, xxvi 19:

apud Johannem, Vidi stellam e caelo lapsam in terram, cui data est clavis putei abyssi, et aperuit puteum abyssi, Apoc. ix 1, 1, 11:

{7} apud eundem, Bestia quae ascendit ex abysso {8}fecit bellum cum illis, Apoc. xi 7:

porro apud eundem, Bestia quam vidisti erat et non est, et ascensura est ex abysso, et in perditionem abitura, Apoc. xvii 8;

in his locis `abyssi' pro infernis, ita quoque pro falsitatibus a cupiditatibus, nam hae sunt in infernis et faciunt (c)ea. 3 Quia haec significantur per `abyssos,' etiam per illas significantur tentationes, nam {9}tentationes fiunt per injecta falsa et mala ab infernis; in hoc sensu apud Jonam, Circumdederunt me aquae usque ad animam; abyssus circumcinxit me, ii 6 [A.V. 5]:

apud Davidem, Abyssus ad abyssum clamans ad vocem (x)canalium Tuorum; omnes confractiones Tuae et fluctus Tui super me transiverunt, Ps. xlii 8 [A.V. 7]:

apud eundem, Qui ostendisti mihi angustias multas et malas; revertere et vivifica me, et ex abyssis terrae fac reverti et ascendere me, Ps. lxxi (x)10. @1 abyssi sint aquae$ @2 abyssi pro aquis multis, ita pro veris; (m)abyssus altam fecit cedrum, pro quod vera fidei in multa copia(n)$ @3 similiter$ @4 sunt$ @5 i ubi illa sunt$ @6 ostenderunt I$ @7 i et$ @8 faciet$ @9 per falsa ab infernis fiunt tentationes$

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