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属天的奥秘 第8306节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8306

8306. The earth swallowed them. That this signifies that by virtue of mere presence they had damnation and hell, is evident from the signification of "to be swallowed by the earth," as being damnation and hell; for by this swallowing is signified a falling down, or casting down, into hell; moreover hell is deep down below, because it is very far from the sun of heaven, which is the Lord, and there is what is Most High. Removals from thence are according to the qualities and quantities of evils and the derivative falsities. Hence it is that heaven appears above, and hell beneath. Moreover the place where they are who are in falsities from evil, consequently in damnation, appears like a desert land, which is called "the damned land," under which are cast down those who are cast into hell (n. 7418). That this takes place by virtue of the mere presence of the Lord, see n. 8265. From this then it is that by "the earth swallowed them," is signified damnation and hell, as is clear in Moses:

Moses said unto the assembly of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, If Jehovah create a creation, and the earth open its mouth, and swallow them, and all that appertains to them, that they go down alive into hell, ye shall know that these men have provoked Jehovah. And the earth that was under them was sundered, and the earth opened its mouth, and swallowed them, and they, and all that appertained to them, went down alive into hell (Num. 16:30-33).

Elliott(1983-1999) 8306

8306. 'The earth swallowed them' means that as a result simply of His presence damnation and hell befell them. This is clear from the meaning of 'being swallowed by the earth' as damnation and hell, for that swallowing means falling or being cast down into hell. Hell is also positioned deep down below, being furthest away from the Sun of heaven, that is, the Lord, who occupies the highest position there. The distances of positions away from Him are determined by the nature and amount of evils and of falsities arising from them; and this is why heaven is seen above and hell below. The place where those ruled by falsities arising from evil and consequently in a state of damnation are is also seen as a wilderness-land, which is called the land of damnation. Below this land are cast those sent down to hell, 7418, which happens as a result simply of the Lord's presence, 8265. This now explains why 'the earth swallowed them' means damnation and hell, as is also evident in Moses,

Moses said to the assembly regarding Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, If Jehovah does something new,a and the earth opens its mouth and swallows them and everything that is theirs, so that they go down alive into hell, you will know that these men have provoked Jehovah. And the earth which was under them was split apart; and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them. And they went down, and all who were theirs, alive into hell. Num 16:30-33.


a lit. will have created a creation

Latin(1748-1756) 8306

8306. `Absorpsit illos terra': quod significet quod ex sola praesentia illis damnatio et infernum, constat ex significatione `absorberi a terra' quod sit damnatio et infernum, nam per absorptionem illam significatur delapsus {1}seu dejectio in infernum; infernum {2}etiam est infra profunde, quia longissime a Sole caeli, qui est Dominus; ibi est Altissimum; remotiones abinde sunt secundum malorum et inde falsorum qualitates et quantitates, inde est quod caelum appareat supra et infernum infra; apparet etiam ubi illi qui in falsis (c)a malo, proinde in damnatione, {3} sicut terra deserti, quae vocatur terra damnata; sub illam dejiciuntur qui in infernum, n. 7418; quod hoc ex sola praesentia Domini, videatur n. (x)8265; inde nunc est quod per `absorpsit illos terra' significetur damnatio et infernum, ut {4} patet apud Moschen, Moscheh dixit ad contionem de Koracho, Dathane, et Abiramo, Si creationem creaverit Jehovah, et aperuerit terra os suum, et absorpserit illos, et omne quod illis, ut descendant vivi in internum, cognoscetis quod irritaverint viri hi Jehovam: et disrupta est terra quae sub illis, et aperuit terra os suum, et absorpsit illos, et descenderunt illi, et omnes qui illis, vivi in infernum, Num. xvi 30-33. @1 aut$ @2 enim$ @3 i apparet$ @4 i quoque$

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