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属天的奥秘 第8307节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8307

8307. In Thy mercy Thou hast led this people. That this signifies the Divine influx with those who had abstained from evils, and so had received good, is evident from the signification of "to lead in mercy," as being to receive the Divine; and because those receive the Divine who abstain from evils, the Divine influx with them is signified. With regard to mercy from the Lord the case is this. The mercy of the Lord is perpetual with every man, for the Lord wills to save all men, whoever they are; but this mercy cannot flow in until evils have been removed, for evils and the derivative falsities stand opposed, and prevent it. But as soon as evils are removed, mercy flows in, that is, good from mercy from the Lord, which good is charity and faith. From this it can be seen that the mercy of the Lord is universal, that is, toward all, and that it is also special toward those who abstain from evils. Man can abstain from evils from himself; but he cannot receive good from himself. That man can abstain from evils from himself is because the Lord continually inflows into the will of man with this endeavor, and thereby puts in his freedom to desist from evils, as also to apply himself to good. The Lord also gives him the faculty of understanding truth, but that he does not understand is because he does not wish to understand, and this on account of the evil that is of the life; for falsity defends evil, and truth condemns it. Hence it is that a man cannot be presented with spiritual good by the Lord, thus cannot be led through mercy, unless he desists from evils.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8307

8307. 'In Your mercy You have led this people' means the Divine flowing in among those who have been refraining from evils and consequently receiving good This is clear from the meaning of 'in mercy leading' as receiving the Divine; and since people receive the Divine when they refrain from evils, the Divine flowing in among them is meant. As regards mercy shown by the Lord, the Lord's mercy remains constantly with every individual person; for the Lord wishes to save all the people there are. But that mercy cannot flow into them until evils have been removed; for evils, and falsities arising from them, stand in the way and hinder it. As soon as evils are removed however, mercy flows in, that is, good flowing from the Lord out of His mercy; and that good is charity and faith. From this it becomes clear that the Lord's mercy is universal, that is, is directed towards all people, and is also particular towards those who refrain from evils.

[2] Refraining from evils is something a person can do by himself, but receiving good is not something he can do by himself. The reason why a person can refrain from evils by himself is that the Lord flows constantly into a person's will with the endeavour to do so, thereby giving him the freedom to desist from evils and also to devote himself to good. The Lord also gives him the ability to understand truth, and if he does not understand, it is because he has no wish to. He has no wish to understand it because of the evil in his life; for falsity defends evil, whereas truth condemns it. So it is that a person cannot be endowed with spiritual good from the Lord, thus cannot be led by mercy, unless he desists from evils.

Latin(1748-1756) 8307

8307. `Duxisti in misericordia Tua populum illum': quod significet Divinum influxum apud illos qui abstinuerant a malis et sic receperant bonum, constat (c)ex significatione `ducere in misericordia' quod sit recipere Divinum, et quia illi recipiunt Divinum qui abstinent a malis, significatur Divinus influxus apud illos. Cum misericordia a Domino ita se habet: misericordia Domini perpetua est apud unumquemvis hominem, nam Dominus omnes homines, quotcumque sunt, salvare vult; sed misericordia illa non potest influere priusquam mala remota sunt; mala enim et inde falsa obstant et inhibent; ut primum autem mala removentur, {1} influit misericordia, hoc est, bonum ex misericordia a Domino, quod est charitas et fides; inde constare potest quod misericordia Domini sit universalis, hoc est, erga omnes, et quoque peculiaris erga illos qui abstinent a malis. Abstinere a malis homo potest ex se sed recipere bonum non potest ex se; quod homo abstinere a malis possit (c)a se, est quia Dominus continue influit in voluntatem hominis cum conatu illo, et per id ponit in ejus libero {2}desistere a malis, tum applicare se ad bonum; etiam Dominus {3}dat ei facultatem intelligendi verum, sed quod non intelligat, est quia non vult intelligere, et hoc propter malum quod vitae, nam falsum defendit malum, {4}et verum damnat illud; inde est quod homo donari bono spirituali a Domino non possit, ita non duci ex misericordia, nisi desistat a malis. @1 i tunc$ @2 potentiam desistendi$ @3 in intellectum hominis insinuat$ @4 at$

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