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属天的奥秘 第840节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]840. The symbolism of and God remembered as the end of trial and the beginning of renewal can be seen from statements made above and below.{*1} Specifically, God remembers means that he shows mercy. His remembrance is mercy, which is ascribed mainly to the period following struggles, since new light then radiates. As long as our trials continue, we think the Lord is absent, since evil demons disturb us, sometimes to the point where despair almost prevents us from believing God exists at all. But the Lord is closer then than we can possibly believe. When the trouble ends, we find comfort, and then we first believe the Lord is present. That is why God remembered (since it seems as though he remembers) symbolizes the end of struggle and the beginning of renewal.
God and not Jehovah is said to remember because this is still the state before rebirth. When we have been reborn, Jehovah's name is indeed used, as it is in verses 20-21 at the end of the chapter. The reason it is not used here is that faith has not yet united with charity. The point at which we can first be described as regenerate is when we act out of charity. It is in charity that Jehovah is found, not so much in faith before it unites with charity. In the other world, charity is our actual existence and life. Existence itself and life itself is Jehovah, and so until we exist and live, it is not Jehovah but God who is said to be present with us.

{*1} In his references to "statements made above and below," Swedenborg seems to be referring generally to his treatment of the process of spiritual rebirth, which at this point turns from trial to renewal. That is, it is not the notion of "God remembering" that he has treated before and will treat later, but trial and renewal, respectively. See his summary of the previous two chapters of the book in 838, where he notes that the text has been dealing with the trials the people of the new church called Noah suffered and that "what comes now is the state they were in following their trials." The phrase "and God remembered" symbolically marks this turning point. (For a general discussion of the symbolism of the actions and emotions ascribed to God, see 588.) [SS]

Potts(1905-1910) 840

840. And God remembered. That this signifies the end of temptation and the beginning of renovation, is evident from what precedes and follows. "God remembered" signifies, specifically, that He is merciful, for His remembrance is mercy; and this is especially predicated after temptation, because new light then shines forth. So long as temptation continues, the man supposes the Lord to be absent, because he is troubled by evil genii so severely that sometimes he is reduced to despair, and can scarcely believe there is any God. Yet the Lord is then more closely present than he can ever believe. But when temptation ceases, the man receives consolation, and then first believes the Lord to be present. Therefore in the passage before us, the words "God remembered" expressed according to the appearance, signify the end of temptation, and the beginning of renovation. "God" is said to remember, and not "Jehovah" because as yet the man was in a state antecedent to regeneration; but when he is regenerated, then "Jehovah" is named (as at the end of this chapter, verses 20, 21). The reason is that faith is not yet conjoined with charity, for man is for the first time said to be regenerated when he acts from charity. In charity Jehovah is present, but not so much in faith before it is joined to charity. Charity is the very being and life of man in the other world; and as Jehovah is Being and Life itself, so before man is and lives, "Jehovah" is not said to be with him, but "God."

Elliott(1983-1999) 840

840. That 'and God remembered' means the end of temptation and the start of renewal is clear from what comes before and after this. 'God remembered' in particular means His being merciful. His remembering is mercy, and this is attributed to Him especially when temptation is past because at that time new light is shining. As long as temptation lasts, a person assumes that the Lord is not present, for he is being harassed by evil genii, so harassed in fact that sometimes he has so great a feeling of hopelessness as scarcely to believe in the existence of any God at all. Yet at such times the Lord is more present than that person can possibly believe. But once temptation subsides he receives comfort, and for the first time believes that the Lord is present. Consequently, because He appears to do so, 'God's remembering' mentioned here means the end of temptation and the start of renewal. God, and not Jehovah, is said to have remembered because the person's state is still that which comes before regeneration. But once he has been regenerated the name Jehovah is used, as in verses 20, 21, at the end of this chapter. The reason 'God' is used here is that faith has not yet been joined to charity. A person is for the first time said to be regenerate when he acts from charity. It is in charity that Jehovah is present, and not so much in faith before this has been joined to charity. In the next life charity constitutes a person's very being (esse) and life. Jehovah is Being (Esse) and Life itself, and this is why before a person has this being and life, not Jehovah but God is said to reside with him.

Latin(1748-1756) 840

840. 'Et recordatus Deus': quod significet finem tentationis et principium renovationis, constat ab illis quae praecedunt et ab illis quae sequuntur: quod recordetur Deus, in specie significat quod misereatur; recordatio Ipsius est misericordia, quae praedicatur imprimis post tentationem, quia tunc nova lux effulget; quamdiu perstat tentatio, putat homo Dominum abesse, quia a malis geniis agitatur, et quidem ita ut quandoque in desperatione sit tali ut vix credat aliquem Deum dari; sed Dominus praesentior tunc est quam usquam is credere potest; at cum tentatio desinit, tunc solatium accipit, et tunc primum credit adesse Dominum; quare hic, quia ita apparet, 'recordari Deus' significat finem tentationis, et principium renovationis. Deus recordari dicitur, non autem Jehovah, quia adhuc in statu ante regenerationem; cum autem regeneratus est, tunc nominatur Jehovah, ut in fine hujus capitis, vers. 20, 21 causa est quia nondum fides conjuncta est charitati; tunc primum dicitur homo regeneratus, cum ex charitate agit; in charitate est Jehovah, non ita in fide antequam charitati juncta; charitas est ipsum esse et vivere hominis in altera vita; ipsum Esse et Vivere est Jehovah; quare antequam est et vivit homo, non dicitur apud eum esse Jehovah sed Deus.

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