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属天的奥秘 第8457节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8457

8457. And behold upon the faces of the wilderness. That this signifies a new will part, is evident from the signification of "the wilderness," as here being a new will part through the insinuation of truth. For with the man of the spiritual church a new will part is formed by good through truth, and it appears with him as conscience. That this conscience is a conscience of truth, is evident from what has been previously shown concerning the regeneration of the spiritual man. "The wilderness" properly signifies what is uncultivated and uninhabited; in the spiritual sense it signifies where there are no good and truth, thus also where there is no life (see n. 1927, 2708, 3900), and therefore when it is said that the dew appeared upon the faces of the wilderness, and beneath the dew the manna, by "the wilderness" is signified a new will part.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8457

8457. 'And behold, on the face of the wilderness' means a new will. This is clear from the meaning of 'the wilderness' here as a new will that comes through the introduction of truth. The new will received by a member of the spiritual Church is formed from good by means of truth; it manifests itself with him as conscience, a conscience consisting of truth, as is clear from what has been shown already about the regeneration of the spiritual man. Strictly speaking 'a wilderness' means that which is uncultivated and uninhabited, and in the spiritual sense means a place where there is no goodness or truth, thus also where there is no life, 1927, 2708, 3900. When therefore it says that the dew appeared on the face of the wilderness, with the manna underneath the dew, 'the wilderness' means a new will.

Latin(1748-1756) 8457

8457. `Et ecce super facies deserti': quod significet novum voluntarium, constat ex, significatione `deserti' quod hic sit novum voluntarium per insinuationem veri; novum enim voluntarium formatur a bono per verum apud hominem Ecclesiae spiritualis, et apparet apud illum sicut conscientia, quae quod sit conscientia veri, constat ex illis quae de regeneratione hominis spiritualis prius ostensa sunt. `Desertum' proprie significat inexcultum et inhabitatum; in spirituali sensu significat ubi non bonum et verum, ita quoque ubi non vita, n. 1927, 2708, 3900; quare cum dicitur quod ros apparuerit super facie deserti, et sub rore manna, per `desertum' significatur novum voluntarium.

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