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属天的奥秘 第8456节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8456

8456. And the deposit of dew went up. That this signifies the insinuation of truth, is evident from the signification of "going up," as here being to be dissipated, and thus not to appear to the sight; and from the signification of "the dew," as being the truth of peace (of which just above). The deposit of this upon the manna signifies the insinuation of truth; for the truth of peace is the Divine truth proceeding from the Lord in heaven, which being the inmost insinuates itself into the truth which is beneath, and vivifies it, as the dew is wont to vivify the grass or growing crop upon which it falls in the morning. When the truth which is beneath has been vivified by it, then the truth of peace goes up, that is, as to appearance ceases, and the truth which had received life from it comes into view. Thus is born the truth of faith. For no truth of doctrine or of the Word becomes truth with man until it has received life from the Divine, and it receives life through the insinuation of the truth which proceeds from the Lord, which is called "the truth of peace." This truth is not the truth of faith, but it is the life or soul of the truth of faith, and it disposes into the heavenly form all things which are in the truth that is called "the truth of faith," and afterward it also disposes the truths themselves one with another. From all this it can be seen how the case is with the insinuation of truth with man by means of the truth of peace. Be it also known that the lower or exterior things with the man who is being regenerated receive life in succession from the higher or interior things; thus the truth of faith from the truth of peace; and the truth of peace from the Lord Himself. The insinuation of life from the Lord with those who are being regenerated is effected in successive order by Him, thus through what is inmost, and so through interior things to exterior. Consequently with the regenerated there is a way opened even from the Lord; but with those who are not regenerated the way is closed.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8456

8456. 'And the deposit of dew went up' means an introduction of truth. This is clear from the meaning of 'going up' here as being dispersed and so not appearing to view; and from the meaning of 'dew' as the truth of peace, dealt with immediately above The deposit of dew onto the manna means an introduction of truth, for the truth of peace is Divine Truth that goes forth from the Lord and is present in heaven. This being inmost, it introduces itself into the truth underneath it and gives it life, as dew usually enlivens grass or crops on which it settles in the morning When the truth underneath is given life by it the truth of peace goes up; that is, it no longer seems to be there; only the truth that has received life from it is to be seen. This is how the truth of faith is born; for no truth contained in doctrine or in the Word becomes a truth residing with a person until it has received life from the Divine. It receives that life through the introduction of truth that goes forth from the Lord, called the truth of peace. This truth is not the truth of faith; rather it is the life or soul of the truth of faith. It organizes into a heavenly form everything within the truth which is called the truth of faith, and also after that the truths themselves in relation to each other. All this goes to show what happens when the introduction of truth by means of the truth of peace takes place in a person. It should in addition be recognized that the lower or more external levels of a person who is being regenerated receive life from higher or more internal levels in order, so that the truth of faith receives life from the truth of peace, and this from the Lord Himself. Life from the Lord is introduced into those who are being regenerated in consecutive stages coming down from Him, that is, down through the inmost part and so through interior levels into exterior. With those who have been regenerated therefore the way lies open right through to the Lord, but with those who have not been regenerated it is closed.

Latin(1748-1756) 8456

8456. `Et {1}ascendit positio roris': quod significet veri insinuationem, constat ex significatione `ascendere' quod {2}hic sit dissipari et sic ad conspectum non apparere, et ex significatione `roris' quod sit verum pacis, de qua mox supra; positio hujus super mannam significat insinuationem veri, nam verum pacis est Divinum Verum a Domino procedens in caelo; hoc quia intimum est, se insinuat in verum quod infra {3} est et vivificat illud, sicut ros solet gramen aut segetem super quam mane cadit; cum verum quod infra est ab illo vivificatum est, tunc verum pacis ascendit, hoc est, quoad apparentiam desinit, et conspicitur verum quod ab illo vitam acceperat; ita nascitur verum fidei, nam omne verum doctrinae seu Verbi non {4}fit verum apud hominem, priusquam a Divino acceperat vitam, et vitam accipit per insinuationem veri quod a Domino procedit, quod vocatur verum pacis; hoc verum non est verum fidei, sed est vita seu anima veri fidei, (c)et disponit omnia quae in vero, quod verum fidei vocatur, in formam caelestem, et quoque postea ipsa vera inter se; ex his constare potest quomodo se habet cum insinuatione veri apud hominem per verum pacis. Sciendum etiam est quod inferiora seu exteriora apud hominem qui regeneratur vitam accipiant a superioribus seu interioribus successive, ita verum fidei a vero pacis, et hoc ab Ipso Domino; insinuatio vitae a Domino apud illos qui regenerantur fit in ordine successivo ab Ipso, ita per intimum, et sic per interiora ad exteriora; inde apud regeneratos apertum est usque a Domino, at apud illos qui non {5}regenerati sunt est clausum. @1 d desiit i ascendit cp p. 3, note 1, which reads: descendit altered to ascendit then d, i and d desiit i desiit again. cp n. 8450, 8456$ @2 sit desinere, seu$ @3 i seu extra$ @4 est$ @5 regenerantur$

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