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属天的奥秘 第846节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]846. Genesis 8:3. And the waters receded off the earth, going and coming back, and the waters disappeared at the end of one hundred fifty days.
The waters receded off the earth, going and coming back, symbolizes vacillation between truth and falsity. The waters disappeared at the end of one hundred fifty days means that the trials ended. One hundred fifty days here as before symbolizes an ending and starting point.

Potts(1905-1910) 846

846. Verse 3. And the waters receded from off the earth, going and returning; and after the end of a hundred and fifty days the waters failed. "The waters receded from off the earth, going and returning" signifies fluctuations between what is true and what is false; and "after the end of a hundred and fifty days the waters failed" signifies that the temptations ceased; "a hundred and fifty days" here as above signify a termination.

Elliott(1983-1999) 846

846. Verse 3 And the waters receded from off the earth, going back and forth, and the waters abated at the end of a hundred and fifty days. 'The waters receded from off the earth, going back and forth' means fluctuations between truth and falsity. 'The waters abated at the end of a hundred and fifty days' means that temptations came to an end. 'A hundred and fifty days' means here, as previously, the finishing point.

Latin(1748-1756) 846

846. Vers. 3. Et recesserunt aquae de super terra, eundo et redeundo, et defecerunt aquae a fine quinquaginta et centum dierum. 'Quod recesserint aquae de super terra, eundo et redeundo' significant fluctuationes inter verum et falsum: 'quod defecerint aquae a fine quinquaginta et centum dierum' significant quod tentationes cessaverint: 'quinquaginta et centum dies' significant hic, ut prius, terminum.

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