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属天的奥秘 第845节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]845. The reason the springs of the abyss symbolize a testing of the will's intents and the floodgates of heaven a testing of the intellect's ideas is as follows.
It is our volitional side that hell drives, and not so much our intellectual side, unless this is saturated with corrupt desires, which come from the will. Evil, which is a matter of will, is what condemns us and drags us down toward hell. Falsity does not do so to the same extent unless coupled with evil (since the one then follows after the other).
The large numbers of people who subscribe to falsity and yet are saved provide evidence for this. Many non-Christians, whose lives have been marked by earthly charity and by mercy, fall into this category, as do Christians whose beliefs have been adopted in simplicity of heart. Ignorance and simplicity themselves excuse such people, since innocence can inhabit those qualities.
[2] The situation is otherwise for people who have hardened themselves in falsity and from this contracted such a dishonest way of life that they deny and reject all truth. Their way of life has to be destroyed before any seed of truth or goodness can be planted in them. It is worse, however, for those who have hardened themselves in falsity on the basis of desire, so that falsity and desire have come to form a single life force. They are the ones who plummet into hell.
This is why trials involving attributes of the will are symbolized by the springs of the abyss, which are the hells, while trials involving attributes of the intellect are symbolized by the floodgates of heaven, which are rain clouds.

Potts(1905-1910) 845

845. The reason why the "fountains of the deep" signify temptation as to what is of the will, and the "cataracts of heaven" temptation as to what is of the understanding, is that it is what is of the will of man that is influenced by hell, and not so much what is of the understanding, unless this has been immersed in cupidities, which are of the will. Evils, which are of the will, are what condemn man and thrust him down to hell, and not so much falsities, unless they become conjoined with evils, for then the one follows the other. The truth of this statement may be seen from the case of very many of those who are in falsities, and are yet saved, which is the case with many among the Gentiles, who have lived in natural charity and in mercy, and with Christians who have believed in simplicity of heart. Their ignorance and simplicity excuse them, because in these there can be innocence. But it is otherwise with those who have confirmed themselves in falsities, and have thus contracted such a life of falsity that they refuse and reject all truth; for this life of falsity must be vastated before anything of truth and thus of good can be inseminated. It is, however, still worse with those who have confirmed themselves in falsities under the influence of their cupidities, so that the falsities and the cupidities have come to constitute one life; for these are they who plunge themselves into hell. This is the reason why temptation as to what is of the will is signified by the "fountains of the deep" which are the hells, and temptation as to what is of the understanding by the "cataracts of heaven" which are the clouds, from which comes rain.

Elliott(1983-1999) 845

845. The reason 'the fountains of the deep' means temptation as regards things of the will, and 'the floodgates of heaven' means temptation as regards those of the understanding, is that a person's will is what hell acts upon and not so much upon his understanding unless it has been immersed in evil desires that constitute the will. Evils within the will are what condemn a person and thrust him down to hell, and not so much falsities unless these are coupled with evils, in which case one follows the other. This becomes clear from the fact that so many people who are under the influence of falsities are nevertheless saved, as is the case with very many of the gentiles who have led lives of natural charity and of mercy, as well as Christians who have believed in simplicity of heart. Their very ignorance and simplicity excuse them, for innocence can reside within them.

[2] The situation is different with those who have confirmed themselves in falsities and have consequently pursued such a life of falsity that they reject and spurn all truth. Such a life must first of all be laid waste before any truth and so any good can be implanted. The situation is worse however with people who have so confirmed themselves in falsities resulting from evil desires that falsities and evil desires compose one life. These are the people who plunge into hell. This is the reason why temptation as regards things of the will is meant by 'the fountains of the deep', which are the hells, and temptation as regards those of the understanding by 'the floodgates of heaven', which are the clouds from which the rain falls.

Latin(1748-1756) 845

845. Quod per 'fontes abyssi' significetur tentatio quoad voluntaria, et per 'cataractas caeli' tentatio quoad intellectualia, causa est quia voluntarium hominis est quod agitur ab inferno, non ita intellectuale nisi immersum sit cupiditatibus quae sunt voluntatis; mala quae voluntatis sunt quae damnant hominem et detrudunt eum ad infernum, non ita falsa nisi copulata sint malis, tunc unum sequitur alterum; ut constare potest a permultis qui in falsis sunt et usque salvantur; sicut plurimi ex gentibus qui in charitate naturali vixerunt et in misericordia; tum Christiani qui ex simplicitate cordis crediderunt ipsa ignorantia et simplicitas excusat, quia in illis potest esse innocentia; aliter se habet cum illis qui confirmarunt se in falsis, et inde vita: falsi talem traxerunt ut renuant et respuant omne verum; quae vita prius vastatur, antequam aliquid veri et sic boni inseminari potest pejus autem se habet cum illis qui se in falsis confirmarunt ex cupiditatibus sic ut falsitates et cupiditates unam vitam constituerint; ii sunt qui se demergunt inferno: haec causa est quod tentatio quoad voluntaria significetur per 'fontes abyssi,' qui sunt inferna, et tentatio quoad intellectualia per 'cataractas caeli,' quae sunt nubes ex quibus imber.

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