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属天的奥秘 第8465节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8465

8465. Verses 16-18. This is the word that Jehovah hath commanded, Gather ye of it everyone according to the mouth of his eating, an omer a head, according to the number of your souls, take ye everyone for him who is in his tent. And the sons of Israel did so, and they gathered, collecting for the numerous and for the few. And they measured it with the omer, and it made nothing over for the numerous; and for the few there was no lack; they gathered everyone according to his eating. "This is the word that Jehovah hath commanded," signifies a mandate about it from the Divine; "Gather ye of it everyone according to the mouth of his eating," signifies reception and appropriation according to the capacity of each one; "an omer a head," signifies enough for everyone; "according to the number of your souls," signifies enough for all in the society; "take ye everyone for him who is in his tent," signifies communication with them, and from this the general good; "and the sons of Israel did so," signifies the effect; "and they gathered, collecting for the numerous and for the few," signifies reception according to the power of each society; "and they measured it with the omer," signifies the power of the reception of good; "and it made nothing over for the numerous; and for the few there was no lack," signifies that there was a just proportion for everyone in particular and in general; "they gathered everyone according to his eating," signifies reception according to the capacity of each one.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8465

8465. Verses 16-18 This is the thinga which Jehovah has commanded: Gather from it, each according to the mouth of his eating, an omer a head, [according to] the number of [your] souls; take it, each for whoever is in his tent. And the children of Israel did so, and gathered it, leach] collecting it for a large number or for a few. And they measured it with an omer, and no large number had more than enough and no few had less; they gathered, each according to the mouth of his eating.

'This is the thing which Jehovah has commanded' means a command regarding it received from the Divine. 'Gather from it, each according to the mouth of his eating' means receiving and making it their own, each in accordance with his own ability. 'An omer a head' means the amount for each individual. 'The number of your souls' means the amount for all in a community. 'Take it, each for whoever is in his tent' means sharing with them, and therefore a common good. 'And the children of Israel did so' means putting into effect. 'And gathered it, [each] collecting it for a large number or for a few' means receiving according to the capacity of each community. 'And they measured it with an omer' means the capacity to receive good. 'And no large number had more than enough and no few had less' means that the proportion was right for each in particular and in general. 'They gathered, each according to the mouth of his eating' means receiving, each according to his own ability.


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Latin(1748-1756) 8465

8465. Vers. 16-18. Hoc verbum quod praecepit Jehovah, Colligite de eo, quisque ad os edere sui, omerem ad caput, numerum animarum [vestrarum], quisque ei qui in tentorio suo, accipite, Et fecerunt ita filiii Israelis, et collegerunt redigens ad numerosum et ad paucum. Et mens sunt omere, et non superfluum fecit numeroso, et pauco non defuit; quisque ad os edere sui collegerunt. `Hoc verbum quod praecepit Jehovah' significat mandatum de illo a Divino: `Colligite de eo, quisque ad os edere sui' significat receptionem et appropriationem secundum cujusvis facultatem: `omerem ad caput' significat quantum cuivis: `numerum animarum vestrarum' significat quantum omnibus in societate: quisque ei qui in tentorio suo, accipite' significat communicationem cum illis, et inde bonum commune: `et fecerunt ita filii Israelis' significat effectum: `et collegerunt redigens ad numerosum et ad paucum' significat receptionem secundum potentiam cujusvis societatis: `et mensi sunt omere' significat receptionis boni potentiam: `et non superfluum fecit numeroso, et pauco non defuit' significat quod justa esset ratio cuique in particulari et in communi: `quisque ad os edere sui collegerunt' significat receptionem secundum cujusvis facultatem.

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