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属天的奥秘 第8569节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8569

8569. And the people murmured against Moses. That this signifies a greater degree of suffering, is evident from the signification of "murmuring," as being suffering from the bitterness of the temptation (see n. 8351); that it denotes a greater degree of suffering is evident from the words of Moses when he cried to Jehovah, "a little more and they stone me" (verse 4).

Elliott(1983-1999) 8569

8569. 'And the people grumbled against Moses' means a greater degree of grief. This is clear from the meaning of 'grumbling' as grief caused by the bitterness of the temptation, dealt with in 8351. The fact that a greater degree of grief is meant is evident from Moses' words when he cried out to Jehovah, Yet a little, and they stone me, verse 4.

Latin(1748-1756) 8569

8569. `Et murmuravit populus contra Moschen': quod significet indolentiae gradum majorem, constat ex significatione `murmurare' quod sit indolentia ex tentationis acerbitate, de qua n. 8351; quod indolentiae gradus major sit, patet ex verbis Moschis cum clamavit ad Jehovam, {1}adhuc parum et lapidant me, vers. 4. @1 quod parum abesset quia lapidarent illum$

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