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属天的奥秘 第8600节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8600

8600. Verses 10-13. And Joshua did as Moses had said to him in fighting against Amalek; and Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill. And it was, when Moses lifted up his hand, that Israel prevailed; and when he let down his hand, that Amalek prevailed. And Moses' hands were heavy, and they took a stone, and put it under him, and he sat upon it; and Aaron and Hur held up his hands, one on one side, and the other on the other; and it was, his hands were steady until the setting of the sun. And Joshua weakened Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword. "And Joshua did as Moses had said to him," signifies the effect, as the fighting truth had been instructed by Divine truth; "in fighting against Amalek," signifies against the falsity from interior evil; "and Moses, and Aaron, and Hur," signifies Divine truths in successive order; "went up to the top of the hill," signifies in the good of charity; "and it was when Moses lifted up his hand," signifies when faith looked toward the Lord with those who were of the spiritual church; "that Israel prevailed," signifies that then the fighting truth conquered; "and when he let down his hand," signifies when the faith with them looked downward or away from the Lord to self and the world; "that Amalek prevailed," signifies that then the falsity conquered; "and Moses' hands were heavy," signifies that the power of looking upward to the Lord failed; "and they took a stone," signifies truth Divine in the ultimate of order; "and put it under him, and he sat upon it," signifies correspondence with truth in the first of order; "and Aaron and Hur," signifies truths in order; "held up his hands," signifies the upholding of the power of the fighting truth; "one on one side, and the other on the other," signifies on all sides; "and it was, his hands were steady," signifies the strength of power then; "until the setting of the sun," signifies when this state ceased; "and Joshua weakened Amalek and his people," signifies the lessening of power with those who are in falsity from interior evil; "with the edge of the sword," signifies by means of fighting truth.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8600

8600. Verses 10-13 And Joshua did as Moses said to him, by fighting against Amalek; and Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill. And so it was, when Moses raised up his hand, that Israel prevailed; and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed. And the hands of Moses were heavy; and they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it; and Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side, and one on the other. And so it was, his hands were steady until the going down of the sun. And Joshua decimateda Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword.

'And Joshua did as Moses said to him' means that the truth which engages in conflict acted as directed by Divine Truth. 'By fighting against Amalek' means against falsity arising from interior evil. 'And Moses, Aaron, and Hur' means levels of Divine Truth that follow one another in order. 'Went up to the top of the hill' means in the good of charity. 'And so it was, when Moses raised up his hand' means whenever the faith of those belonging to the spiritual Church looked towards the Lord. 'Israel prevailed' means that the truth engaged in conflict would then be winning. 'And when he let down his hand' means whenever their faith looked downwards or away from the Lord towards self and the world. 'Amalek prevailed' means that the falsity would then be winning. 'And the hands of Moses were heavy' means that the power to look upwards to the Lord was failing. 'And they took a stone' means the lowest level of God's truth. 'And put it under him, and he sat on it' means correspondence with the highest level of truth. 'And Aaron and Hur' means the levels of truth next in order. 'Supported his hands' means support supplied to the power of the truth engaged in conflict. 'One on one side, and one on the other' means in every direction. 'And so it was, his hands were steady' means the might which the power possessed then. 'Until the going down of the sun' means when that state was coming to an end. 'And Joshua decimated Amalek and his people' means lessening the power of those steeped in falsity arising from interior evil. 'With the edge of the sword' means by means of truth engaged in conflict.


a lit. weakened

Latin(1748-1756) 8600

8600. Vers. 10-13. Et fecit Joschua quemadmodum dixit illi Moscheh, pugnando in Amalekum; et Moscheh, Aharon, et Chur {1}ascenderunt caput collis. Et fuit, quando elevavit Moscheh manum suam, et praevaluit Israel, et quando (x)demisit manum suam, et praevaluit Amalek. Et manus Moschis graves, et sumpserunt lapidem, et posuerunt subter illum, et sedit super illo; et Aharon et Chur sustentabant manus illius, exhinc unus et exhinc unus; et fuit, manus illius firmae usque ad occidere solem. Et debilitavit Joschua Amalekum et populum {2}illius [ad os gladii]. `Et fecit Joschua quemadmodum dixit illi Moscheh' significat effectum sicut verum pugnans a Divino Vero instructum est: `pugnando in Amalekum' significat contra falsum ab interiore malo: `et Moscheh, Aharon, et Chur' significat Divina Vera in ordine successivo: `ascenderunt caput collis' significat in bono charitatis: `et fuit, quando elevavit Moscheh manum suam' significat cum fides apud illos qui ab Ecclesia spirituali spectaret versus Dominum: `praevaluit Israel' significat quod tunc verum pugnans vinceret: `et quando (x)demisit manum' significat cum fides apud illos spectaret deorsum seu a Domino ad se et mundum: `et praevaluit Amalek' significat quod tunc falsum vinceret: `et manus Moschis graves' significat quod potentia spectandi sursum ad Dominum deficeret: `et sumpserunt lapidem' significat verum Divinum in ultimo ordinis: `et posuerunt subter illum, et sedit super illo' significat correspondentiam cum vero primo ordinis: `et Aharon et Chur' significat vera ordine: `sustentabant manus illius' significat potentiae veri pugnantis sustentationem: `exhinc (x)unus et exhinc unus' significat undequaque: `et fuit, manus illius firmae' significat potentiae robur tunc: `usque ad occidere solem' significat cum status ille desineret: `et debilitavit Joschua Amalekum et populum illius' significat diminutionem potentiae apud illos qui in falso (x)ex interiore malo: `ad os gladii' significat per verum pugnans. @1 ascendebant IT$ @2 ejus IT$

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