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属天的奥秘 第8599节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8599

8599. With the rod of God in thy hand. That this signifies that from this there was power, is evident from the signification of "the rod of God," as being Divine power (n. 4013, 4015, 4876, 4936, 7026); and from the signification of "hand," as also being power (n. 8595). It is said "the rod of God in the hand," because by "rod" is signified exterior power, and by "hand" interior power; or by "rod" natural power, and by "hand" spiritual power (n. 6947, 7011). It is said that "from this there was power," because truth fighting has power in it from good; for all the power which truth has, is from the good which is therein. The reason is that the Divine is in good, and through good in truth; but is not in truth without good. That all the power of truth is from good, see n. 3563, 4931; and that all the power of good is from the Divine, is manifest.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8599

8599. 'With the rod of God in my hand' means that this will be a source of power. This is clear from the meaning of 'the rod of God' as Divine power, dealt with in 4013, 4015, 4876, 4936, 7026; and from the meaning of 'hand' also as power, 8595 (end). The reason why he says that the rod of God would be in his hand is that 'the rod' means outward power and 'hand' inward power, or 'the rod' means natural power and 'hand' spiritual power, 6947, 7011. The expression a source of power is used because truth engaged in conflict has power within it, derived from good; for all the power that truth possesses is derived from the good within it. The reason for this is that the Divine is within good, and through good He is within truth; but He is not within truth devoid of good. For the fact that all the power truth possesses is derived from good, see 3563, 4931; and the fact that all the power good possesses is derived from the Divine is self-evident.

Latin(1748-1756) 8599

8599. `Et baculus Dei in manu mea': quod significet quod inde potentia, constat ex significatione `baculi Dei' quod sit potentia Divina, de qua n. 4013, 4015, 4876, 4936, 7026, et ex significatione `manus' quod etiam sit potentia, n. 8595 fin.; quod dicatur `baculus Dei in manu,' est quia per `baculum' {1}significatur potentia exterior et per `manum' interior, seu per `baculum' potentia naturalis et per `manum' spiritualis, n. 6947, 7011; inde potentia dicitur, quia vero pugnanti potentia {2}inest ex bono, nam omnis potentia quae vero est, est ex bono quod inest; causa est quia Divinum inest bono, et per bonum vero, non autem inest vero absque bono; quod omne potentiae vero sit ex bono, videatur n. 3563, 4931; et quod omne potentiae bono sit ex Divino, patet. @1 significetur$ @2 est$

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