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属天的奥秘 第8743节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8743

8743. With the man who has not been regenerated the external or natural man commands, and the internal or spiritual man serves; but with the man who has been regenerated the internal or spiritual man commands, and the external or natural serves. This inversion cannot possibly exist except through regeneration by the Lord.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8743

8743. In the case of the person who has not been regenerated the external or natural man is the master and the internal or spiritual is the servant. But in the case of the person who has been regenerated the internal or spiritual man is the master and the external or natural is the servant. This inversion of roles cannot come about at all except through regeneration by the Lord.

Latin(1748-1756) 8743

8743. Apud hominem qui non regeneratus est, externus seu naturalis homo imperat, ac internus seu spiritualis servit; at apud hominem qui regeneratus est, internus seu spiritualis homo imperat, et externus seu naturalis servit; haec inversio nequaquam existere potest quam per regenerationem a Domino.

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