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属天的奥秘 第8744节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8744

8744. So long as the external man has not been regenerated, he makes all good consist in pleasure, in gain, in pride, and burns with hatred and revenge against those who set themselves in opposition; and then the internal man not only consents, but also supplies reasons which confirm and promote; thus the internal man serves and the external commands.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8744

8744. When the external man has not been regenerated he considers that everything good consists in pleasure, gain, and eminence; and he flares up into hatred and vengeance against those who oppose him. At this time the internal man does not merely go along with all this; he also supplies reasons which support and further it. The internal man is accordingly the servant, and the external the master.

Latin(1748-1756) 8744

8744. Cum externus homo non regeneratus est, ponit ille omne bonum in volupi, in lucro, in fastu, et exardescit in odium et vindictam contra illos qui se opponunt; et tunc internus homo non modo consentit sed etiam subministrat rationes quae confirmant et promovent; ita internus homo servit et externus imperat.

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