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属天的奥秘 第8765节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8765

8765. And brought you unto Me. That this signifies thus to the good of love which is in heaven, is evident from the fact that Jehovah, who says that they were "brought unto Him" denotes the Divine good of the Divine love (see n. 2586, 2769, 2807, 2822, 3921, 4402, 7010, 7268, 7873, 8301, 8760), here the Divine good of the Divine love in heaven (n. 8761). How these things cohere with what immediately precedes, is plain; for in what immediately precedes, by "I bare you on eagles' wings" is signified that they were raised to heavenly light by means of truths; and by these words, "I brought you unto Me," is signified to the Divine good of love in heaven, seeing that by means of the truths which are of faith man is brought to good, thus into heaven, and to the Lord there; for man is not in heaven, thus not with the Lord, until he is in good, that is, in the affection of charity. [2] They who make salvation consist in faith alone, and not at the same time in a life of faith, that is, in a life of charity, believe that anyone can come into heaven and to the Lord, no matter how he has lived; for they do not know what the life of man is, and because they do not know this, they suppose that the life is nothing; and therefore if they are asked whether an evil man can be among the good, they say that by the mercy of God he can, because it is a work of omnipotence. Nay, if they are asked whether a devil can become an angel of heaven, they answer in the affirmative, provided he is willing to receive faith, for about his being able to receive it they have no doubt. But if they are told that evil cannot be turned into good, thus not hell into heaven, with a man, and that this is impossible because contrary to order, and therefore contrary to truth Divine, thus contrary to God Himself, who is order; they answer to this that such things are reasonings about salvation, for which they do not care. From these, and from innumerable other considerations, it can be seen into what blindness about salvation and eternal life the doctrine of faith alone leads.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8765

8765. 'And brought you to Myself' means thus to the good of love existing in heaven. This is clear from the consideration that Jehovah, who says that they were drawn to Himself, is the Divine Good of Divine Love, 2586, 2769, 2807, 2822, 3921 (end), 4402, 7010, 7268, 7873, 8301, 8760, at this point the Divine Good of Divine Love as it exists in heaven, 8761. In what way these things link together with those that come immediately before them is self-evident. The words in what comes immediately before, bore you on eagles' wings', mean that they were raised by means of truths to heavenly light, while the words here, 'brought you to Myself', mean to the Divine Good of love as it exists in heaven; for the truths of faith are the means by which a person is brought to good, and so into heaven, and to the Lord there. A person is not in heaven, nor thus with the Lord, until he is governed by good, that is, by charitable affection.

[2] People who suppose that salvation lies in faith alone, and not at the same time in the life of faith, that is, in the life of charity, believe that anyone can enter heaven and come to the Lord, irrespective of the life he has led. They do not know what the life of man is; and not knowing what this is they imagine that the life is of no importance at all. Consequently if they are asked whether a bad person is able to be among the good, they say that by God's mercy he can be, since it is the work of an almighty power. Indeed if they are asked whether the devil is able to become an angel of heaven, they say Yes, provided that he wishes to receive faith. Nor are they in any doubt about his ability to receive it. But if they are told that evil is not able to be turned into good, nor thus hell into heaven with a person, and that such a conversion is impossible because it is contrary to order, therefore contrary to God's truth, and so contrary to God Himself who is order, they reply that such ideas are false reasonings about salvation that do not interest them. All these and countless other considerations go to show how great a blindness regarding salvation and eternal life is caused by teachings about faith alone.

Latin(1748-1756) 8765

8765. `Et adduxi vos ad Me': quod significet sic ad bonum amoris quod in caelo, constat ex eo quod `Jehovah,' Qui dicit quod ad Ipsum adducti sint, sit Divinum Bonum Divini Amoris, n. 2586, 2769, 2807, 2822, 3921 fin., 4402, 7010, 7268, 7873, 8301, 8760, hic Divinum Bonum Divini Amoris in caelo, n. 8761. Quomodo haec cum mox praecedentibus cohaerent, patet, nam in mox praecedentibus per `tuli vos super alis aquilarum' significatur quod per vera elevati sint ad lucem caelestem, et per haec verba `adduxi vos ad Me' significatur ad Divinum Bonum amoris in caelo, {1}quoniam per vera quae fidei adducitur homo ad bonum, ita in caelum, et ad Dominum ibi; nam homo non prius in caelo est, ita non prius apud Dominum, quam cum in bono est, hoc est, in affectione charitatis. 2 {2}Qui in sola fide ponunt salutem, et non simul in vita fidei, hoc est, in vita charitatis, illi credunt quod quilibet venire {3}possit in caelum, et ad Dominum, utcumque vixerit; non enim sciunt quid vita hominis, et quia hoc non sciunt, putant quod vita nihil sit; quare si interrogantur num {4} malus possit esse inter bonos, dicunt quod possit ex misericordia Dei, quia id est opus omnipotentiae; immo si interrogantur num diabolus possit fieri angelus caeli, affirmant, si modo recipere velit fidem, de eo num possit recipere non dubitant; {5}si autem illis dicitur quod malum non verti possit in bonum, ita non infernum in caelum apud hominem, et quod id impossibile sit, quia contra ordinem, proinde contra verum Divinum, ita contra Ipsum Deum, Qui est ordo, ad haec respondent quod talia sint ratiocinia de salvatione, quae non curant; ex his et ex innumeris aliis constare potest in quam caecitatem de salute et vita aeterna inducat doctrina de (m)sola fide.(n) @1 nam$ @2 See Appendix volume for an undeleted primary draft of the remainder of this .$ @3 possint in coelum et ad dominum, utcunque vixerunt$ @4 i credant quod$ @5 sique$

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