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属天的奥秘 第8873节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8873

8873. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them. That this signifies that no Divine worship is to be paid them, is evident from the signification of "bowing down oneself," as being humiliation (see n. 2153, 5682, 6266, 7068); and from the signification of "serving," as being submission (n. 5164). That it denotes Divine worship, is because humiliation and submission are essentials of worship, for worship without them is not worship, but gesture in imitation of those who are in the truth of worship; in which gesture there is nothing of life, for life from the Lord flows in solely into a humble and submissive heart, because such a heart has been fitted to receive. That such is the case is because when the heart is truly humble, nothing of the love of self and of the love of the world stands in the way. That both expressions are used, is because "bowing down" signifies worship from the good of love, and "serving" signifies worship from the truth of faith.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8873

8873. 'You shall not bow down to them, and you shall not serve them' means that no Divine worship must be offered to them. This is clear from the meaning of 'bowing down' as humility, dealt with in 2153, 5682, 6266, 7068; and from the meaning of 'serving' as submissiveness, dealt with in 5164. The reason why Divine worship is meant is that humility and submissiveness are the essentials of worship; for without them worship is not worship, only bodily actions which are an imitation of those made by people engaged in true worship. Such actions have no life at all in them. Life from the Lord flows only into a humble and submissive heart, since it is fitted to receive. And it is fitted to receive because when a heart is truly humble no self-love or love of the world stands in the way. The reason why both expressions are used is that 'bowing down' means worship springing from the good of love, and 'serving' worship springing from the truth of faith.

Latin(1748-1756) 8873

8873. `Non incurvabis te illis, et non servies illis': quod significet non illis Divinum cultum, constat ex significatione `incurvare se' quod sit humiliatio, de qua n. 2153, 5682, 6266, 7068, et ex significatione `servire' quod sit submissio, de qua n. 5164; quod sit cultus Divinus, est quia humiliatio et submissio sunt essentialia cultus, nam cultus absque illis non est cultus sed est gestus ad imitamen illorum qui in vero (x)cultu; in quo gestu nihil vitae est, nam vita a Domino influit solum in cor humile et submissum, hoc enim aptum est ad recipiendum; quod ita sit, est quia (o)cum cor vere humile est, nihil amoris sui et amoris mundi obstant; {1} quod utrumque dicatur, est quia `incurvare se' significat cultum ex bono amoris, et `servire' cultum ex vero fidei. @1 i inde est quod non cultus Divinus significetur per non incurvabis te illis et non servies illis,$

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