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属天的奥秘 第5682节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5682

5682. And they bent themselves and bowed themselves down. That this signifies outward and inward humiliation, is evident from the signification of "bending themselves," as being outward humiliation; and from the signification of "bowing themselves down," as being inward humiliation; for bending is a less degree of bowing down, and therefore it denotes outward humiliation; and bowing down is a greater degree, and therefore it denotes inward humiliation. Moreover, "bending" denotes the humiliation of truth, that is, of those who are in truth, thus of the spiritual; and "bowing down" denotes the humiliation of good, that is, of those who are in good, thus of the celestial. In this case also "bending" is outward humiliation, and "bowing down" inward; for they who are in good are more interior men than those who are in truth. These things are what are contained in the internal sense of this period. Most of them have been unfolded simply as to the significations of the words, for the reason that they are such as have been previously unfolded.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5682

5682. 'And they bowed, and bowed down' means an expression of humility, exterior and interior. This is clear from the meaning of 'bowing' as an expression of exterior humility, and from the meaning of 'bowing down' as an expression of interior humility. For bowing is something less than bowing down and is therefore an expression of exterior humility, whereas bowing down is something more and is therefore an expression of interior humility. In addition to this, 'bowing' is the humility expressed by truth, that is, by those motivated by truth, and so is the humility of those who are spiritual; but 'bowing down' is the humility expressed by good, that is, by those motivated by good, and so is the humility of those who are celestial. Thus 'bowing also means the expression of exterior humility, and 'bowing down' the expression of interior humility; for those motivated by good are people who are more interior than those motivated by truth. The explanation of the major part of the contents of the internal sense in this section has been confined simply to the meanings of the words that are used, for the reason that they are matters such as have appeared in explanations prior to this.

Latin(1748-1756) 5682

5682. `Et deflexerunt se, et incurvarunt se': quod significet humiliationem exteriorem et interiorem, constat ex significatione `deflectere se' quod sit humiliatio exterior, et ex significatione `incurvare se' quod sit humiliatio interior; est enim deflexio minor gradus incurvationis, quapropter etiam est humiliatio exterior; {2}et incurvatio est major gradus, quapropter est humiliatio interior; praeterea `deflexio' est humiliatio veri, hoc est, illorum qui in vero sunt, ita spiritualium, {2}et `incurvatio' est humiliatio boni, hoc est, illorum qui in bono sunt, ita caelestium; sic quoque (t)`deflexio' est humiliatio exterior, et incurvatio humiliatio interior; qui enim in bono sunt, interiores homines sunt quam illi qui in vero. Haec quae in hac periodo in, sensu interno continentur, pleraque explicata sunt quoad solas significationes vocum, ex causa quia sunt talia quae prius explicata sunt. @1 see p. 258, ftnote 4$ @2 at$

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