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属天的奥秘 第8900节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8900

8900. That by "father" is meant the Lord, and by "mother" His kingdom, has been shown just above (n. 8897). But lest perchance the mind be in doubt whether by "mother" in the internal sense is meant the kingdom of the Lord, that is, heaven, I may add the following to what was said above. In the Word by "mother" is meant the church (see n. 289, 4257, 5581), which also on this account is at one time called "the bride," and at another "the wife," of the Lord; and as the kingdom of the Lord is the same as the church, with only this difference, that the kingdom of the Lord on the earth is called "the church," therefore this also is signified by "mother." For this reason the sons born of this mother are truths, and are called "the sons of the kingdom" (Matt. 13:38; n. 3373). Moreover to all those who are therein the Lord's kingdom is their country, and one's country is "mother" in a natural sense, as the church is "mother" in the spiritual sense.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8900

8900. It has been shown just above in 8897 that the Lord is meant by 'father' and His kingdom by 'mother' But in case there is any lingering doubt that in the internal sense 'mother' is used to mean the Lord's kingdom or heaven, let the following be added to what has been stated above. In the Word 'mother' is used to mean the Church, 289, 4257, 5581, which is also therefore called at one time the Lord's bride, at another His wife. And since the Lord's kingdom is the same as the Church, the only difference being that the Lord's kingdom on earth is called the Church, His kingdom too is meant by 'mother'. Consequently the sons or children born from that mother are truths, and they are called 'the sons of the kingdom', Matt 13:38, see 3373. The Lord's kingdom is also the native land of all who are there; and native land is meant by 'mother' in a natural sense, as the Church is in the spiritual sense.

Latin(1748-1756) 8900

8900. (s) Quod per `patrem' intelligatur Dominus, et per `matrem' regnum Ipsius, mox supra n. (x)8897 ostensum est; sed ne fortassis haereat mens num per `matrem' in sensu interno intelligatur regnum Domini seu caelum, licet haec illis quae superius dicta sunt, adjicere; in Verbo {1} per `matrem' intelligitur Ecclesia, n. 289, 4257, (x)5581, quae quoque ideo vocatur jam sponsa jam uxor Domini; et quia regnum Domini est idem cum Ecclesia, solum cum hac differentia quod regnum Domini in terra dicatur Ecclesia, ideo illud quoque per `matrem' significatur; inde filii ex illa matre nati sunt vera, et vocantur `filii regni,' Matth. xiii 38; n. 3373; est etiam regnum Domini patria omnibus illis qui ibi sunt, et patria est `mater' in sensu naturali, sicut Ecclesia in {2} spirituali.(s) @1 in verbo I$ @2 sensu$

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