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属天的奥秘 第8967节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8967

8967. As through temptations the truths of faith are confirmed, and the goods of charity implanted, and also the concupiscences of evil are subdued, it follows that through Temptations the spiritual or internal man acquires dominion over the natural or external man, thus the good which is of charity and faith over the evil which is of the love of self and of the world. When this is effected, the man has enlightenment, and perception of what is true and what is good, and also of what is evil and false; and consequently he has intelligence and wisdom, which afterward increase day by day.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8967

8967. Since temptations serve to strengthen the truths of faith and to implant forms of the good of charity, and also to subdue cravings for evil, it follows that temptations are the means by which the spiritual or internal man gains dominion over the natural or external man, that is, the good of charity and faith gains dominion over the evil of self-love and love of the world. Once this has been accomplished the person becomes enlightened and enjoys a perception of what truth is and what good is, and also of what evil and falsity are. This brings him intelligence and wisdom, which increase daily after that.

Latin(1748-1756) 8967

8967. Quia per tentationes confirmantur vera fidei et implantantur bona charitatis, et quoque domantur concupiscentiae mali, sequitur quod per tentationes dominium acquiratur spirituali seu interno homini {1}super naturalem seu externum, ita bono quod charitatis et fidei {1}super malum quod amoris sui et mundi. Quo facto, homini fit {2}illustratio, et perceptio quid verum et quid bonum, tum quid malum et falsum; et inde intelligentia et sapientia quae postea indies crescunt. @1 supra$ @2 illustratio et perceptio IT$

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