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属天的奥秘 第8966节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8966

8966. Temptations conduce to the confirmation of the truths of faith, also to the implantation of them, and the insinuation of them into the will, that they may become goods of charity. For, as before said, man fights from the truths of faith against evils and falsities; and because his mind is then in truths, when he conquers he confirms himself in them and implants them; and also accounts as an enemy, and rejects from himself, the evils and falsities which have assailed him. Moreover through Temptations the concupiscences which are of the loves of self and of the world are subdued, and the man becomes humble. Thus he is rendered fit to receive the life of heaven from the Lord, which life is the new life, such as belongs to the regenerated man.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8966

8966. Temptations lead to stronger belief in the truths of faith, also to the implantation of them in a person, and their insinuation into the workings of his will, so that they become forms of the good of charity. For as stated already, a person employs the truths of faith when fighting against evils and falsities; and since during that conflict his mind is intent on truths, when he is victorious he strengthens his belief in them and implants them within himself. At the same time he regards as his enemy the evils and falsities which have made the attack, and casts them away from himself. Temptations also serve to subdue the cravings of self-love and love of the world and to make a person humble. That is, they serve to fit him to receive the life of heaven from the Lord, that life being the new life such as one who has been regenerated possesses.

Latin(1748-1756) 8966

8966. Tentationes conducunt ad confirmanda vera fidei, tum ad implantanda illa, et ad insinuanda in voluntatem, ut fiant bona charitatis; homo enim, ut prius dictum est, pugnat ex veris fidei contra mala et falsa, et quia tunc mens ejus est in veris, cum vincit, confirmat se in illis ac implantat ea; et quoque mala et falsa quae impugnarunt, pro hoste habet et a se rejicit. Per tentationes etiam concupiscentiae, quae sunt amorum sui et mundi, domantur, et homo humiliatur; ita aptus (x)redditur ad {1}recipiendum vitam caeli a Domino, quae vita est vita nova qualis est regenerato. @1 recipiendam$

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