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属天的奥秘 第9075节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9075

9075. And his master also shall die. That this signifies the damnation of the internal man, is evident from the signification of "the master of the ox," as being the internal man (see n. 9069); and from the signification of "dying," as being damnation (of which above, n. 9008). That the ox was to be stoned and his master was to die if he had known that the ox was wont to strike with the horn and he had not watched him, is because the spiritual meaning of this judgment or law is that the man who knows a thing to be evil, and does not repress it, is guilty; for he approves it, and thus extinguishes the light of truth, and together therewith the faith of truth in its conception; and when this is extinguished, good from the Lord is not received, consequently the internal man cannot be opened, and therefore there cannot be given him spiritual life, which is the life of the truth and the good of faith. When such is the state of a man, he then lives a natural life, which is of the external man. But without spiritual life this life is dead; consequently there is damnation (see n. 7494).

Elliott(1983-1999) 9075

9075. 'And also its owner shall die' means damnation of the internal man. This is clear from the meaning of 'the owner of the ox' as the internal man, dealt with above in 9069; and from the meaning of 'dying' as damnation, also dealt with above, in 9008. The reason why an ox was to be stoned and its owner to die if he knew that the ox was accustomed to gore, yet did not keep it in, lies with the spiritual meaning of this judgement or law, which is this: A person who is aware of an evil in himself and does not restrain it is guilty; for he approves it and in so doing snuffs out the light of truth, and along with it he crushes the seed of a belief in the truth the moment it is implanted. And when this has been snuffed out good from the Lord is not received. As a result the internal man cannot be opened and consequently endowed with spiritual life, which is the life of the truth and good of faith. When this is a person's state he leads a natural life, which is that of the external man. But this life without spiritual life is dead, the result of which is damnation, 7494.

Latin(1748-1756) 9075

9075. `Et etiam dominus ejus morietur': quod significet damnationem interni hominis, constat ex significatione `domini bovis' quod sit internus homo, de qua supra n. 9069, et ex significatione `mori' quod sit damnatio, de qua etiam supra n. 9008. Quod bos lapidaretur et dominus ejus {1} moreretur si notum ei fuerit {2} quod bos cornupeta fuerit, et non custodiverit eum, est quia spirituale hujus judicii seu legis est quod homo qui novit {3} quod malum sit, et non reprimit illud, reus sit, nam approbat illud et sic exstinguit lucem veri, et una {4} fidem veri in sua conceptione, qua exstincta bonum a Domino non recipitur; inde internus homo non potest aperiri, proinde non {5} donari vita spirituali, quae est vita veri et boni fidei; cum talis homini status est, tunc vitam naturalem, quae est externi hominis, vivit; sed haec vita absque vita spirituali est mortua, inde {6} damnatio, n. 7494. @1 bovis$ @2 fuerit domino$ @3 scit$ @4 sic$ @5 nec$ @6 et est$

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