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属天的奥秘 第9118节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9118

9118. As therefore to act contrary to Conscience is to act contrary to the new will, contrary to charity, and contrary to the truths of faith, consequently contrary to the life which man has from the Lord, it is evident from this that a man is in the tranquillity of peace, and in internal blessedness, when he acts according to Conscience; and that he is in intranquility, and also in pain, when he acts contrary to Conscience. This pain is what is called "the stings of Conscience."

Elliott(1983-1999) 9118

9118. Now since acting contrary to conscience is acting contrary to the new will, contrary to charity, and contrary to the truths of faith, consequently contrary to the life that comes to a person from the Lord, it is evident that a person feels calm and at peace, experiencing inner bliss, when he acts according to conscience, but uneasy, indeed anguished when he acts contrary to conscience. This feeling of anguish is what is called the pangs of conscience.

Latin(1748-1756) 9118

9118. Quia nunc facere contra conscientiam est facere contra novam voluntatem, contra charitatem, et contra vera fidei, proinde contra vitam quae homini est a Domino, inde patet quod homo in tranquillitate pacis sit, ac in beatitudine interna, cum facit secundum conscientiam, et quod in (x)intranquillitate et quoque in dolore sit cum facit contra illam; hic dolor est qui vocatur morsus conscientiae.

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