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属天的奥秘 第9119节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9119

9119. Man has a Conscience of what is good, and a Conscience of what is just. The Conscience of what is good is the Conscience of the internal man; and the Conscience of what is just is the Conscience of the external man. The Conscience of what is good consists in acting according to the precepts of faith from internal affection; while the Conscience of what is just consists in acting according to civil and moral laws from external affection. They who have a Conscience of what is good, have also a Conscience of what is just; but they who have only a Conscience of what is just, have the capacity of receiving a Conscience of what is good, and moreover do receive it when they are instructed.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9119

9119. Human conscience involves a sense of what is good or a sense of what is right. A sense of what is good is conscience as it exists with the internal man, while a sense of what is right is conscience as it exists with the external man. The sense of what is good consists in being moved by an inward affection to act in accordance with what faith prescribes, whereas the sense of what is right consists in being moved by an outward affection to act in accordance with civil and moral laws. Those having a sense of what is good have as well a sense of what is right; but those having merely a sense of what is right possess the ability to acquire a sense of what is good, and do also acquire it after instruction.

Latin(1748-1756) 9119

9119. Est homini conscientia boni et conscientia justi; conscientia boni est conscientia interni hominis, et conscientia justi est conscientia externi hominis; conscientia boni est facere secundum praecepta fidei ex affectione interna, at conscientia justi est facere secundum leges civiles et morales ex affectione externa. Qui conscientiam boni habent, illi quoque conscientiam justi habent, at qui modo conscientiam justi habent, illi in facultate sunt recipiendi conscientiam boni, et quoque recipiunt cum instructi.

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