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属天的奥秘 第9450节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9450

9450. But the signs that sins have not been forgiven are the following. God is not worshiped for the sake of God; and the neighbor is not served for the sake of the neighbor; thus good is not done and truth is not spoken for the sake of good and truth, but for the sake of self and the world. There is a desire to merit by our deeds; others are despised in comparison with ourselves; delight is felt in evils, such as enmities, hatred, revenge, cruelty, adulteries; and the holy things of the church are held in contempt, and are at heart denied.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9450

9450. The signs that people's sins have not been forgiven are the following: They worship God not for God's sake, and serve the neighbour not for the neighbour's sake, and so they do not do good or speak the truth for goodness and truth's sake, only for selfish and worldly reasons; they wish to earn merit by their deeds; they despise others in comparison with themselves; they take delight in evils, such as enmity, hatred, vengeance, brutality, and adultery; they scorn the sacred things of the Church and in their hearts repudiate them.

Latin(1748-1756) 9450

9450. Signa autem quod non remissa sint peccata, sunt quae sequuntur: colunt Deum non propter Deum, et serviunt proximo non propter proximum, ita non faciunt bonum et loquuntur verum propter bonum et verum sed propter se et mundum; per facta volunt mereri contemnunt alios prae se; percipiunt jucundum in malis, ut in inimicitia in odio, in vindicta, in saevitia, in adulteriis; ac spernunt sancta Ecclesiae et illa corde negant.

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