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属天的奥秘 第9449节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9449

9449. The signs that sins have been forgiven are the following. Delight is felt in worshiping God for the sake of God; in being of service to the neighbor for the sake of the neighbor; thus in doing good for the sake of good, and in believing truth for the sake of truth. There is an unwillingness to merit by anything that belongs to charity and faith. Evils, such as enmities, hatreds, revenges, unmercifulness, adulteries, in a word, all things that are against God and against the neighbor, are shunned and are held in aversion.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9449

9449. The signs that people's sins have been forgiven are the following: They take delight in worshipping God for God's sake, and serving the neighbour for the neighbour's sake, and so in doing good for goodness' sake, and believing truth for truth's sake; they refuse to receive merit because of any act of charity and faith; they keep well away from and detest evils, such as those of enmity, hatred, vengeance, ruthlessness, or adultery, in short everything contrary to God and the neighbour.

Latin(1748-1756) 9449

9449. Signa quod remissa sint peccata, sunt quae sequuntur: percipiunt jucundum in colendo Deum propter Deum, in serviendo proximo propter proximum, ita in faciendo bonum propter bonum: et in credendo verum propter verum; nolunt mereri per aliquid charitatis et fidei; fugiunt et aversantur mala, ut inimicitias, odia, vindictas: immisericordias, adulteria; verbo, omnia quae sunt contra Deum et contra proximum.

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