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属天的奥秘 第9471节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9471

9471. And skins of red rams, and badgers' skins.* That this signifies the external truths and goods by which they are held together, is evident from the signification of "skins," as being external things (see n. 3540); from the signification of "rams," as being spiritual things which are of truth (n. 2830, 4170); from the signification of "red" as being good (n. 3300); thus "skins of red rams" denote the external truths that are from good; and from the signification of "badgers," as being goods. That "badgers" have this signification is evident from the fact that in the Word, where truth is spoken of, good also is spoken of, by reason of the heavenly marriage of truth and good (see n. 9263, 9314). Consequently as "skins of red rams" signify external truths which are from good, "badgers' skins" signify the goods themselves. The reason why they denote the truths and goods by which [internal truths and goods] are held together, is that all external things keep internal things together, as is also here evident from the use of these skins, in that they served for coverings; the skins of badgers, for coverings over things more holy than the skins of rams (Exod. 26:14; Num. 4:6, 8, 10-12, 14). * Latin, pelles melium. "Badgers" is the usual rendering of meles. But in Adversaria, Exodus, n. 1297, Swedenborg says that these meles are mares haedorum, "the males of kids," which would agree with what is here said of them. It is difficult to believe that a badger has a higher signification than a ram. [Reviser]

Elliott(1983-1999) 9471

9471. 'And skins of red rams, and skins of badgers' means the external truths and forms of good that contain them. This is clear from the meaning of 'skins' as external things, dealt with in 3540; from the meaning of 'rams' as the spiritual realities that belong to truth, dealt with in 2830, 4170; from the meaning of 'red' as good, dealt with in 3300, so that 'skins of red rams' are external truths emanating from good; and from the meaning of 'badgers' as forms of good. This meaning of 'badgers' is clear from the consideration that when truth is spoken of in the Word so too is good, on account of the heavenly marriage of truth and good, 9263, 9314; and therefore, since 'skins of red rams' means external truths emanating from good, 'skins of badgers' means actual forms of good. The reason why these truths and forms of good serve as containers is that all external things contain internal ones, as is also evident here from the use of those very skins, in that they served as coverings, the things covered by the badgers' skins being holier than those covered by the rams' skins, Exod 26:14; Num 4:6, 8, 10-12, 14.

Latin(1748-1756) 9471

9471. `Et pelles arietum rubrorum, et pelles melium': quod significet externa vera et bona a quibus continentur, constat ex significatione `pellium' quod sint externa, de qua n. 3540, ex significatione `arietum' {1}quod sint spiritualia quae veri, de qua n. 2830, 4170, ex significatione `rubri' quod sit bonum, de qua n. 3300, ita `pelles arietum rubrorum' sunt externa vera quae ex bono, et ex significatione `melium' quod sint bona; quod `meles' id significent, constat ex eo quod in Verbo ubi dicitur de vero etiam dicatur de bono ob conjugium caeleste veri et boni, n. 9263, 9314; {2}inde quia `pelles arietum ruforum' significant externa vera quae ex bono, `pelles melium' significant ipsa bona; {3}quod sint vera et bona a quibus continentur, est quia omnia externa continent interna, quod etiam hic patet ex usu istarum pellium, quod inserviverint tegumentis, pelles melium tegumentis super sanctiora, quam pelles arietum, Exod. xxvi 14; {4} Num. iv 6, 8, 10-12, 14. @1 quod sit spirituale quod est veri$ @2 ideo$ @3 quod significent externa vera et bona a quibus continentur, constat ex usu illorum, quod inserverint pro tegumentis, et pelles melium pro tegumentis super sanctiora quam pelles arietum rubrorum, videatur$ @4 i et$

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