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属天的奥秘 第9610节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9610

9610. The loops shall be taken up one to the other. That this signifies complete conjunction on both sides, is evident from the signification of "the loops," as being conjunction (see n. 9605); and that it is complete on both sides is signified by "the taking up of one by the other" mutually and reciprocally; for when there is a taking up mutually and reciprocally, complete conjunction is effected.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9610

9610. 'The loops must be taken up, each one towards the other' means a total joining together on both sides. This is clear from the meaning of 'loops' as a joining together, dealt with above in 9605, a total joining together on both sides being meant by a mutual and reciprocal taking up of one by the other. For when the taking up is mutual and reciprocal a total joining together is accomplished.

Latin(1748-1756) 9610

9610. `Suscepta erunt loramenta, quodvis ad alterum': quod significet conjunctionem utrinque (x)omnimodam, constat ex significatione `loramentorum' quod sint conjunctio, de qua supra n. 9605: quae utrumque omnimoda significatur per susceptionem unius ab altera mutuo et vicissim, cum enim susceptio mutuo et vicissim fit conjunctio (x)omnimoda fit.

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