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属天的奥秘 第966节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]966. It needs to be noted that we never undergo punishment or torment in the next life on account of evil we have inherited,{*1} only on account of evil that we ourselves have actually committed.

{*1} Inherited evil, as set out in Swedenborg's theology, is to be distinguished from the mainstream Christian teaching of original sin, which Swedenborg rejects. For further information and references on these concepts, see note 6 in 16. [Editors]

Potts(1905-1910) 966

966. It is to be observed that in the other life no one undergoes any punishment and torture on account of his hereditary evil, but only on account of the actual evils which he himself has committed.

Elliott(1983-1999) 966

966. It should be realized that nobody in the next life undergoes any punishment and torment on account of evil he has inherited, but on account of the evils he himself has actually committed.

Latin(1748-1756) 966

966. Quod observandum, nullus in altera vita subit aliquam poenam et cruciatum propter hereditarium suum malum, sed propter actualia mala quae ipse patravit.

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