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属天的奥秘 第9679节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9679

9679. And shalt bring in thither from within the veil the ark of the Testimony. That this signifies the coming-forth [existentia] of the inmost heaven within this uniting medium, is evident from the signification of "the veil," as being the medium which unites the two heavens (see n. 9670, 9671); and from the signification of "the ark of the Testimony," as being the inmost heaven (n. 9485) the coming-forth of this heaven is signified by "bringing in thither the ark."

Elliott(1983-1999) 9679

9679. 'And you shall bring the ark of the Testimony in there, within the veil' means the coming-into-being of the inmost heaven within that uniting intermediary. This is clear from the meaning of 'the veil' as the intermediary uniting the two heavens, dealt with in 9670, 9671; and from the meaning of 'the ark of the Testimony' as the inmost heaven, dealt with in 9485; its coming-into-being is meant by 'bringing the ark in there'.

Latin(1748-1756) 9679

9679. `Et induces illuc ab intra velum arcam testimonii': quod significet existentiam caeli intimi intra illud medium uniens, constat ex significatione `veli' quod sit medium uniens binos caelos, de qua n. 9670, 9671, et ex significatione `arcae testimonii' quod sit caelum intimum, de qua n. 9485; existentia hujus significatur per `inducere illuc arcam.'

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