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属天的奥秘 第9740节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9740

9740. Verses 9-19. And thou shalt make the court of the Habitation at the corner of the south southward; the hangings for the court shall be of fine twined linen, a hundred cubits the length at the one corner; and the pillars thereof shall be twenty, and their bases twenty, of brass; the hooks of the pillars and their fillets shall be of silver. And so at the corner of the north in length, there shall be hangings a hundred cubits in length, and the pillars thereof twenty, and their bases twenty, of brass; the hooks of the pillars and their fillets of silver. And the breadth of the court at the corner of the sea shall be hangings of fifty cubits; the pillars thereof ten, and their bases ten. And the breadth of the court at the corner of the east eastward shall be fifty cubits. And the hangings for the one wing shall be fifteen cubits; the pillars thereof three, and their bases three. And for the other wing shall be hangings of fifteen cubits; the pillars thereof three, and their bases three. And for the gate of the court a covering of twenty cubits, of blue, and crimson, and scarlet double dyed, and fine twined linen, the work of the embroiderer; its pillars four, and their bases four. All the pillars of the court round about shall be filleted with fillets of silver; their hooks of silver, and their bases of brass. The length of the court shall be a hundred cubits, and the breadth fifty by fifty; and the height five cubits, of fine twined linen, and their bases of brass. And as for all the vessels of the Habitation in all the service thereof, all the pegs thereof, and all the pegs of the court, shall be of brass. "And thou shalt make the court of the Habitation," signifies the ultimate heaven; "at the corner of the south southward," signifies that is in the light of truth; "the hangings for the court," signifies the truths of this heaven; "shall be of fine twined linen," signifies from the understanding; "a hundred cubits the length," signifies full of good from the Lord; "at the one corner," signifies where truths are in light; "and the pillars thereof shall be twenty," signifies the goods of truth fully supporting; "and their bases twenty, of brass," signifies truths from good also fully supporting; "the hooks of the pillars and their fillets shall be of silver," signifies the methods of conjunction by means of truth; "and so at the corner of the north in length," signifies where the good of truth is in obscurity; "there shall be hangings a hundred cubits in length," signifies also full of truths from good; "and the pillars thereof twenty," signifies the goods of truth fully supporting; "and their bases twenty, of brass," signifies truths from good also fully supporting; "the hooks of the pillars and their fillets of silver," signifies the methods of conjunction by means of truth; "and the breadth of the court at the corner of the sea," signifies the state of this heaven in respect to memory-truths; "shall be hangings of fifty cubits," signifies truths sufficient for uses; "the pillars thereof ten, and their bases ten," signifies the supporting goods and derivative truths also sufficient for uses; "and the breadth of the court at the corner of the east eastward," signifies the state of truth of this heaven, where goods are; "shall be fifty cubits," signifies sufficient for uses; "and the hangings for the one wing shall be fifteen cubits," signifies truths in light, as many as are sufficient; "the pillars thereof three, and their bases three," signifies goods and the derivative truths fully supporting; "and for the other wing shall be hangings of fifteen cubits, the pillars thereof three, and their bases three," signifies similar things where truths are in obscurity; "and for the gate of the court a covering," signifies introduction into this heaven, and a guard lest it should be entered by any except those who are prepared; "of twenty cubits," signifies to the full; "of blue, and crimson, and scarlet double-dyed, and fine twined linen," signifies the goods of charity and of faith; "the work of the embroiderer," signifies which are in memory-knowledge; "its pillars four, and their bases four," signifies goods and the derivative truths supporting the conjunction; "all the pillars of the court round about," signifies all the good that supports heaven; "shall be filleted with fillets of silver, and their hooks of silver," signifies all the methods of conjunction by means of truth; "and their bases of brass," signifies the supports by means of good; "the length of the court shall be a hundred cubits," signifies the good of this heaven to the full; "and the breadth fifty by fifty," signifies truth as much as is sufficient; and the height five cubits," signifies the degrees of good and truth, also as much as is sufficient; "of fine twined linen," signifies from the understanding; "and their bases of brass," signifies the support of all things by means of good; "and as for all the vessels of the habitation in all the service thereof," signifies the memory-truths and goods that belong to the external man; "all the pegs thereof, and all the pegs of the court, shall be of brass," signifies all things conjoining and strengthening each heaven, the middle and the ultimate, by means of good.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9740

9740. Verses 9-19 And you shall make the court of the dwelling-place on the south sidea, southwards; the hangings for the court shall be [made] from fine twined linen, a hundred cubits the length to one corner; and its pillars shall be twenty, and their bases twenty, [made] from bronze; the hooks of the pillars and their bands [shall be made] from silver. And [the same shall be] so for the length on the north sidea; the hangings shall be a hundred in length, and its pillars twenty, and their bases twenty, [made] from bronze, the hooks of the pillars and their bands [made] from silver. And the breadth of the court on the side of the sea,b the hangings shall be fifty cubits, their pillars ten, and the bases of these, ten. And the breadth of the court on the east sidea, towards the sunrise, shall be fifty cubits; and hangings of fifteen cubits shall there be for [one] wing,c their pillars three, and the bases of these, three; and for the other wingc there shall be hangings [of] fifteen [cubits], their pillars three, and the bases of these, three. And for the gate of the court there shall be a screen of twenty cubits, [made] from violet, and purple, and twice-dyed scarlet, and fine twined linen, the work of an embroiderer, its pillars four, and the bases of these, four. All the pillars of the court round about shall be banded with bands of silver, and their hooks [made] from silver and their bases from bronze. The length of the court shall be a hundred cubits, and the breadth fifty throughout,d and the height five cubits, [with hangings made] from fine twined linen and their bases from bronze. And as for all the vessels of the dwelling-place, in all its service, and all its pins and all the pins of the court, [they shall be made] from bronze.

'And you shall make the court of the dwelling-place' means the lowest heaven. 'On the south side, southwards' means that it dwells in the light of truth. 'The hangings for the court' means the truths of that heaven. 'From fine twined linen' means coming out of the understanding. 'A hundred cubits the length' means complete with good from the Lord. 'To one corner' means where the truths dwell in light. 'And its pillars shall be twenty' means forms of the good of truth which provide complete support. 'And their bases twenty, [made] from bronze' means the truths springing from good which also provide complete support. 'The hooks of the pillars and their bands [shall be made] from silver' means the modes by which they are linked together through truth. 'And [the same shall be] so for the length on the north side' means where the good of truth dwells in obscurity. 'The hangings shall be a hundred in length' means likewise complete with truths that spring from good. 'And its pillars twenty' means forms of the good of truth which provide complete support. 'And their bases twenty, [made] from bronze' means the truths springing from good which also provide complete support. 'The hooks of the pillars and their bands [made] from silver' means the modes by which they are linked together through truth. 'And the breadth of the court on the side of the sea' means the state of that heaven in respect of truths on the level of factual knowledge. 'The hangings shall be fifty cubits' means the quantity of truths needed for the purposes they have to serve. 'Their pillars, and the bases of these, ten' means the quantity also of supporting forms of good, and of truths springing from these, needed for the purposes they have to serve. 'And the breadth of the court on the east side, towards the sunrise' means the state of the truth of that heaven where forms of good reside. 'Fifty cubits' means the quantity needed for the purposes to be served. 'And hangings of fifteen cubits shall there be for [one] wing' means a sufficient quantity of truths dwelling in light. 'Their pillars three, and the bases of these, three' means the forms of good and the truths springing from them which provide complete support. 'And hangings of fifteen cubits for the [other] wing, their pillars three, and the bases of these, three' means the same things as above but where truths dwell in obscurity. 'And for the gate of the court there shall be a screen' means introduction into that heaven, and a guard that prohibits entry into it except by those who have been prepared. 'Of twenty cubits' means to the full. 'From violet, and purple, and twice-dyed scarlet, and fine twined linen' means forms of the good of charity and faith. 'The work of an embroiderer' means things belonging to factual knowledge. 'Its pillars four, and the bases of these, four' means the forms of good, and the truths springing from them, which support the linking together. 'All the pillars of the court round about' means every form of good supporting heaven. 'Shall be banded with bands of silver, and their hooks [made] from silver' means all the modes of linking together through truth. 'And their bases from bronze' means forms of support received through good. 'The length of the court shall be a hundred cubits' means the good of that heaven, to the full. 'And the breadth fifty throughout' means truth in a sufficient amount. 'And the height five cubits' means the degrees of good and truth, also in a sufficient amount. '[With hangings made] from fine twined linen' means coming out of the understanding. 'And their bases from bronze' means the support they all receive through good. 'And as for all the vessels of the dwelling-place, in all its service' means the truths and the forms of good on the level of factual knowledge which the external man possesses. 'And all its pins and all the pins of the court, [they shall be made] from bronze' means everything that joins together and strengthens the two heavens, the middle and the lowest, through good.


a lit. corner or angle
b lit. the corner (or the angle) of the sea i.e. the west end
c i.e. section to one side of the gate
d lit. fifty in fifty

Latin(1748-1756) 9740

9740. Vers. 9-19. Et facies atrium habitaculi ad angulum meridiei ad austrum; tapetes, atrio byssino contexto, centum in cubito longitudo ad angulum unum. Et columnae ejus viginti, et bases earum viginti, aere; unci columnarum et cincturae illorum argento. Et ita ad angulum septentrionis in longitudine; tapetes centum longitudine, et columnae ejus viginti, et bases earum viginti, aere; unci columnarum et cincturae (x)earum argento. Et latitudo atrii ad angulum maris, tapetes quinquaginta cubitorum, columnae illorum decem, et bases harum decem. Et latitudo atrii ad angulum orientis versus ortum, quinquaginta cubiti. Et quindecim cubitorum tapetes alae, columnae illorum tres, et bases harum tres. Et alae alteri quindecim tapetes, columnae illorum tres, et bases harum tres. Et portae atrii tegumentum viginti cubitorum, hyacinthino, et purpura, et coccineo dibapho, et byssino contexto, opus acupictoris; columnae eorum quattuor, et bases harum quattuor. Omnes columnae atrii circumcirca cinctae cincturis argenti, [et] unci earum argento, et bases earum aere. Longitudo atrii centum in cubito, et latitudo quinquaginta in quinquaginta, et altitudo quinque cubiti, byssino contexto, et bases illorum aere. Et omnibus vasis habitaculi in omni servitio ejus, et omnes paxilli ejus, et omnes paxilli atri aere. `Et facies atrium habitaculi' significat caelum ultimum: `ad angulum meridiei ad austrum' significat quod in luce veri: `tapetes atrio' significat vera illius caeli: `byssino contexto' significat ex intellectuali: `centum in cubito longitudo' significat plenum bono a Domino: `ad angulum unum' significat ubi vera in luce: `et columnae ejus viginti significat bona veri sustentantia plene: `et bases earum viginti aere' significat vera ex bono etiam plene sustentantia: `unci columnarum et cincturae(x) illorum argento' significat conjunctionis modos per verum: `et ita ad angulum septentrionis in longitudine' significat ubi bonum veri in obscuro: `tapetes centum longitudine' significat etiam plenum veris ex bono: `et columnae ejus viginti' significat bona veri sustentantia plene: `et bases earum viginti aere' significat vera ex bono etiam plene sustentantia: `unci columnarum et cincturae earum argento' significat conjunctionis modos per verum: `et latitudo atrii ad angulum maris' significat statum illius caeli quoad vera scientifica : `tapetes quinquaginta cubitorum' significat vera quantum ad usus: `columnae (x)illorum et bases earum decem' significat bona et inde vera sustentantia etiam quantum ad usus: `et latitudo atrii ad angulum orientis versus ortum' significat statum veri illius caeli ubi bona: `quinquaginta cubiti' significat quantum ad usus: `et quindecim cubitorum tapetes alae' significat vera in luce quantum satis: `columnae illorum tres, et bases harum tres' significat bona et inde vera sustentantia plene: `et alae alteri quindecim tapetes, columnae illorum tres et bases harum tres'..... {1} `et portae atrii tegumentum significat introductionem in illud caelum, et custodiam ne intretur nisi a praeparatis: `viginti cubiti' significat ad plenum: `hyacinthino, et purpura, et coccineo dibapho, et byssino contexto' significat bona {2} charitatis et fidei: `opus acupictoris' significat quae scientifici {3}: `columnae ejus quattuor, et bases harum quattuor' significat bona et inde vera sustentantia conjunctionem: `omnes columnae atrii circumcirca' significat omne bonum sustentans caelum: `cinctae cincturis argenti, et unci earum argento {4}' significat omnes conjunctionis modos per verum: `et bases earum aere' significat sustentationes per bonum: `longitudo atrii centum in cubito' significat bonum illius caeli ad plenum: `et latitudo quinquaginta in quinquaginta' significat verum quantum satis: `et altitudo quinque cubiti' significat gradus boni et veri etiam quantum satis: `byssino contexto' significat ex intellectuali: `et bases illorum aere' significat sustentationes {5} omnium per bonum: `et omnibus vasis habitaculi in omni servitio ejus' significat vera et bona scientifica quae externi hominis: `et omnes paxilli ejus, et omnes paxilli atrii, aere' significat omnia conjungentia et firmantia utriusque caeli, medii et ultimi, per bonum. @1 What S intended as the text and exposition of v. 15 is not clear. The editor therefore has placed in footnotes the readings of AIT, which appear to be a confusion of parts of v. 14 and v. 15: et quindecim cubitorum tapetes [tapetes oI] alae. columnae illorum et bases harum tres, significat similia ubi vera in obscuro: See also n. 9762.$ @2 d bona et vera i bonum$ @3 in scientifico altered to scientifici A, in scientifico IT cp n. 9766$ @4 argenti cp n. 9769$ @5 sustentationem IT$

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